How do you think when programming?

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15 comments, last by Cygon 16 years, 9 months ago
This is a very interesting topic which I feel could help people starting out, so share your techniques on how to think while programming :) I believe the problem when starting to code is in not knowing how to actually think effectively when coding, most people just start out learning a few functions and going from there, but is that enough on becoming a professional? What goes through the mind of true professionals such as John Carmack when they code? what emotions do they experience when coding? is there a particular mind set you must have for a particular language and is it possible for everything just to 'click' in to place after understanding certain key concepts? Please share your thoughts and feelings on this :)
Interesting question, but I wonder if it can even be answered, and, if I can answer it, is it worth even doing so? Could you yourself adopt the same mindset I have when I work just by simply reading my words?

When I am coding I tend to be very 'visual'; the whole structure of the code is largely just shapes that get kinda shoved together, lines drawn between them (connecting them), and they warp in to many different things as I ponder the structure. Also I do all this with a single goal in mind - whatever the particular goal I am working on.

It's extremely difficult to describe since - when I think of a member of a particular class, I sort of zoom-in to the giant square that is ClassA and imagine attaching functionality to it... then I zoom out again to perceive its effect on the whole structure of the code itself, or normally, just the area I am currently working on... Like Google Earth, the farther I am zoomed out the less 'fine' detail there is, and as I get closer to an object the more detail I see.

AfroFire | Brin"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education."-Albert Einstein
I definitely don't start typing until I have at least a basic idea of how a feature will work. After I figure out how to implement the feature and while I am doing the implementation, I think a lot about what the side effects, special cases, and limitiations might be. That's when those issues are most visible. When the implementation is done, I test it to verify basic functionality and also test potential problems uncovered during implementation. It might take a couple passes, too.
John BoltonLocomotive Games (THQ)Current Project: Destroy All Humans (Wii). IN STORES NOW!
I tend to do the same as JohnBolton.

I also tend to work outwards from core systems. For example, in my latest project, I began by Building the Window and Application Classes, Followed by Renderer Abstraction, Resource Cache, and then my GameState Manager. When it came time to write "Game Code" 95% of the Engine was in its final configuration, making it very easy and very quick. I can, and have, knocked out simple game-states (such as the credits) in less than 5 minutes.

I also tend to re-factor as soon as I see a "real problem". For instance, initially, my Resource System was based on handles. This had the unfortunate side-effect of forcing my Resource Cache object to be a singleton to get the behavior I desired (handles should directly "dereference" to their resource type). Switching from a handle-based implementation to one based on smart pointers provided the behavior I wanted and also resulted in shorter, cleaner code all around. Despite the centrally important nature of the Resource System, none of the "game code" was disturbed, because the interfaces were solid -- that's another thing I tend to think about as I make implementation decisions: How might I have to change this system in the future, and how do I design now to make it easy to change in the future?

throw table_exception("(? ???)? ? ???");

Quote:Original post by Virtual X
This is a very interesting topic which I feel could help people starting out, so share your techniques on how to think while programming :)

And such things (or things similar to it) are a little too infrequently discussed.

I believe the problem when starting to code is in not knowing how to actually think effectively when coding, most people just start out learning a few functions and going from there, but is that enough on becoming a professional?

No, not really, though you might be surprised how many professionals know a few functions and go from there.

Personally, I think there's a distinct middle step where you need to better understand the difference between programming (fighting with syntax to do what you want) and program design (fighting with organization to allow you to do what you want more easily).

is there a particular mind set you must have for a particular language and is it possible for everything just to 'click' in to place after understanding certain key concepts?

For some. Functional programming is notorious for this. Sure, it's possible to make fairly large leaps after catching a certain concept. Pointers are the often given example since they tend to have that 'click' effect. Still, things don't just snap and suddenly you're a competent programmer. Even professionals have strengths and weaknesses, various levels of expertise with various flavors of problems.
It depends on the task being performed. Sometimes you have to be in the optimization mindset, where you are writing efficient code. Other times you have to be thinking one step ahead and anticipating the problems that the current piece of code could cause. Where are there likely to be errors or malfunctions. You also have to be aware of when you need to break up code or split out common code, etc. Evaulating the refactoring needed in advance.

Writing from an existing specification is different than developing some new technology proof of concept.

Check out Super Play, the SNES inspired Game Engine:

That is an interesting question, and I've never really thought about it. I have to say that I like the idea of coding visually like JohnBolton said, but my brain doesn't work that way. For me it's nothing like that.

On the lowest level I generally code by gut instinct: if a set of code doesn't feel good, then it's scrapped and rewritten. Generally when I've written some code - on some conscious or subconscious level - I'm aware that I've either written correct code, or C++-shaped gibberish.

Despite working in graphics, I'm not a very visual thinker. I am a visual person, but I'd say I'm predominantly an audial thinker. I do design, and I do my design in a visual way (such as class diagrams), but most of the time it's because I can "hear" the connections in my head as I draw them. As I code, I remember these connections, and it's almost like my brain repeats them to me as I work. "The manager class connects to the child class... The hip bone connects to the leg bone..."
Quote:Original post by JohnBolton
I definitely don't start typing until I have at least a basic idea of how a feature will work.

Ditto. But that's usually as far as it goes.
when I start coding I have a very "outide->in" way of thinking and an "inside->out" way of working

Outside-in, about how the caller would want to use a function, pre- and postconditions, extra member variables. I put down al lot of the function prototypes before starting to write the internals of the functions. My train of thought is like "this will call that, that will need this information, then that will pass...", having a big part of the program flow in my head with the function prototypes as a manual, and keeping an eye on the possible problems.
At work I do TDD and after having written the prototypes or having the flow in my head I decide if and how I can test something.

Inside-out, I implement the internals of the least significant function first. Why? Personal taste, and often the top-caller can't do anything without the rest working. Or you have to write dummy functionality, which I do if I ever happen to be implementing something the other way around. Now I think about it, I guess it's also easier to work inside-out because you can fully focus on the current function without having to worry about anything that is not implemented yet.
Along the way if I see something is amiss in the way of a function getting too long or me having forgotten something in the overall picture I take a minute and contemplate my next step. And then I attack the problem right away before causing any more harm.

After the implementation I do at least one second pass to improve the code. Such as removing redundant function parameters, split functions into smaller ones.

Now, I notice this is more my way of working that my way of thinking. I guess it's hard to describe or even be aware of something that is so natural to us. I guess in general my mindset is best described as chaotic during the layout/design of a piece of functionality and very formal and structured while implementing the internals of the functions.
I always notice this when I am discussing things with my colleagues. Discussing or brainstorming about design stuff is awfully hard while discussing implementations is easy as pie. I think one of the causes for this is that an implementation is usually an exact science, whereas the design of something is more personal and open for different solutions that may be equally good.
A lot of the times I just write hundreds of lines of codes while not conciously thinking about it at all -- that usually happens when the code is quite generic and I've written something similar before (which nowadays happens quite a lot). As it gets more complicated, I usually try and picture the whole, then I "divide and conquer", start implementing one piece after the other and inbetween I often do extensive testing and refactoring. I think what's most important for me is that I like to work in iterations meaning that I think about how to solve a problem and as soon as I have an idea, I implement it. Then if it doesn't work or if I come up with a better idea while implementing the first, I just do a new iteration and so on. The more experienced I become, the less often I have to do a whole lot of iterations after the first one. I think most people (including myself) also think in iterations. That's why brainstorming works so well - someone has an idea, someone else adds something to it, then a whole new idea comes up and so on.

What I also noticed recently is that good code generally has a certain look to it. As stupid as it may sound, I often write code and then change it so that it looks nicer. And I'm not talking about reformatting it, I'm talking about changing the whole code design. I guess you might also call that instinct ;-)
when I program I think about it very logicaly and plane. basically I visualize everything but just in its logical form. nothing fancy lol. I basically try and see how the compiler is going to run it all by going through the code. simple I know

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