Data Types

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2 comments, last by KulSeran 16 years, 8 months ago
When programmers use data types in their codes do they usually have charts explaining memory size and value for it or when programmers get skilled enough they are able to memorize them? Like i have to keep constantly look at a chart. Another question i have is do you have a chart or what kind of thing do you use to help you for this?
I'm a novice C++ programmer, wanting to succeed and learn. If you ever want to be my friend or just talk add me.MSN IM:
You memorize them.

You'll memorize them too in time. There isn't that much to remember.
Well, it does get tricky when you start doing visual C++. You gotta learn new data types that are far more complicated then our regular data types in C++.
You have your engine guys typedef all the little things, like u32 s32 f32 f64 VEC3 etc. so that you have a set
grouping of data types that you know what all the sizes are. And then you have coding standards that include things like
marking every 16/32/64 bytes of a struct with a comment.
This gets important on some of the bigger structures, and really important so you can keep track of any padding you might need
to force (for save files and the like).

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