rotate point around origin by angle

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2 comments, last by shaKu_shawn 16 years, 8 months ago
I am not 100% clear on the math for what i am trying to do... let me give you a sample situation... i have a point lets say 15,5 which is the point of an arrow. I have another point which is the base of the arrow (my origin) which is 2,2... what i am doing is i need to rotate the arrow on its origin by 45 degrees and find out the new point for the tip... if somone could give me the equation and a sample solution using the equation for these values it would be great!
This isn't homework, is it? (Just checking...)

Anyway, to rotate about an arbitrary point:

1. Translate the point by the negative of the pivot point
2. Rotate the point using the standard equation for 2-d (or 3-d) rotation
3. Translate back
jyk is correct, and here is an example of how you would do that:

Firstly, translate:

v = (15,5) - (2,2) = (13,3)

Now rotate by 45°:

v = (13*cos 45° - 3*sin 45°, 13*sin 45° + 3*cos 45°) = (7.07.., 11.31..)

And finally, translate back:

v = v + (2,2) = (9.07.., 13.31..)

And there's your answer.

(For the rotation stage, you might find this useful: )
haha nah its not homework... working on a 2d sprite based game in XNA and needed this equation for translating the sprite per-pixel collision information based on the current sprite rotation ;) (the game is just for fun by the way)... thanks a ton for the help!

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