03.06 - Reader Comments

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15 comments, last by Teej 22 years, 8 months ago
In the context of this forum (i.e., creating relatively simple, 2-D games), speed is not an issue when deciding whether to use C or C++. Also, C is only simpler than C++ when you are talking about very simple programs.
Hi everybody

I don't know if I am posting at the correct place.
I also want to learn "how to develop a game". But here are some harsh facts which obvously won't help me:

(1) I learnt C++ with Unix as backhand 3yrs. ago & though I have forgotten everything still I believe I can recover it.
(2) So besides (1) there is nothing which can help me in game programming...so I have to start from begining.

I am more interested in Console Game programming than PC game programming & I believe both are different in terms of programming languages, programming techniques etc etc..& whcich one is more difficult.

So what languages are necessary in order to program for consoles ...where to start/how to start? I know it isn't an easy thing..but game is still not over.

My email add. is deepak_tamang@yahoo.com, so if anyone can help me...or guide me.....

Edited by - deepak tamang on May 14, 2001 6:43:54 AM
RE: C vs. C++ vs. JAVA
Hi, I have been learning JAVA for a year now. I have some insights in C but noh C++.
After I switched from C to JAVA it was like HEAVEN!
The problem that however is a big one is the speed and also it is some say it is very high level. I was wondering is there any Language with the Simplicity of JAVA and power of C++ for ex?
Also I have to agree with above post''s that OOP is the best way to design/programm any kind of idea you may have. Thinking in terms of OOP is just TOO natural for human beign, that is why I think I(we) tend to like it that much.
I do not know much C++ but from a glipmses of it, it seems like nightmare(of course).
I have been programming in JAVA and now that I have read this Forum I find ALOT of similarities(double buffering ie.) with other languages. However after reading this forums I have become discouraged in JAVA, and now am deciding to pursue C and ultimately C++. Does anyone have a similar expirience? Appreciate it.

PS: sory for LONG letter and perphaps(newbie) content.

By the way... is Python any good? I mean is it faster than JAVA at least?

Think of it this way. If you think of programmers as belonging to ''families'' where each language has it''s own community, and you want to be a part of the largest, most powerful family in the computer industry, join the C/C++ club. Here are some of the rewards of membership:
  • Part of the largest following on earth, meaning that there are more resources available for C/C++ than any other language

  • Tradition. C is the fundamental backbone language of everything you use, from embedded systems to games on all consoles and platforms, right down to the operating system you''re sitting on. The language has proven itself throughout the years and isn''t going anywhere.

  • Power. Any language that''s ideal for everything from mission-critical low-level code to enterprise systems has everything a programmer needs for any task -- like having the largest toolbelt around your waist. You can get right down to the machine''s level and squeeze cycles out of it, or work at your own level comfortable in the knowledge that today''s C/C++ compilers know exactly how to pump out lean and mean code.

  • Versatility. A competent C/C++ programmer doesn''t need to learn anything else to be given a challenge and produce compact, fast, efficient code that meets any requirement.

  • "Accepted Worldwide." If you tell someone you''re a programmer, they''re either going to assume C/C++, or ask something like, "In C/C++, right?" Take what you will from that.

  • Help is everywhere. Because of the language''s popularity and seniority, countless material, resources and assistance is available for working something out in the language.

When I think about programming, and all of the languages out there (BTW I program in C/C++, VB, Java at work daily), it isn''t even a choice for me when I want to start writing something new. I pull out my MSVC, create a new project, and hesitate for a brief moment before the blank page, and I swear that a small smile starts to form on the edge of my lips, for I can feel the power at my fingertips when I''m about to feed the computer something in a language it obeys with its undivided attention.

And the computer has no idea what I''m about to tell it, for it could be anything. It will work, it will be fast, and it will harness the complete power of the machine it''s on.

God, I love C/C++. You should join the family; it''s a good feeling.

I''m not sure where I should post this, but I figured it would be useful. I noticed that on my system there is a DirectX control in the control panels. When I clicked on the DirectDraw Tab, there was a control box that showed the available screen modes, and next to each one that is 16 bits it has a (565). This might be helpful to those who might be unsure as to what their system used. Also, I downloaded the windows version of The Gimp, and I love it. Photoshop be damned.

In order to have a btter understanding of what DX worls and how to use it, I bought a book on it at the local library.
"Teach yourself DirectX7 in 24 Hours"

How wonderful. . .

Problem is that I get stuck in the first example on a simple thing they simply pass over. . . Resource files.

I''m going to go in much detail so you guys can tell me where I went wrong.

ok, for starters, here''s the code they provide (simple tool bar on top with a Quit command in the file menu):

#include "resource.h"

POPUP "&File"
//End Of File

Then there''s that header file:
#define IDR_MENU 102
#define IDM_EXIT 40001
//End Of File

Now, I didnt know anything about resources files so I tried a couple of things. . .

I first thought it would be nice to make a new file. I hit File-->New-->Files-->Resource Script
This managed to create an entry in the Resources Tab(between the files and class tab). . .so far so good.

This is where I get lost. . .
When in the resource tab, in the window where I usually type my code, there''s a folder with the name of my resource script.
the only thing I can do is to right-click on it and add symbols or include stuff. . .

So, I''m kinda lost there. . .
I right-click-->insert-->Menu-->New.
Ican add the file and quit thingies but I really dont know muh about the option listed in those checkboxes.
I dont know how to make the quit work either (when clicked on, this is supposed to close the DX application running)

So, what I did next was to go directly in my workspace folder and ooppen my resourcescript.rc in a text editor.
I''ve seen there that the genrated code wasnt similar to the one I typed above. . .

So i typed this same code directly in the text editor and saved it as a .rc file. . .
On compile, it seemed it would get errors in the .h file with those numbers after the includes (ie 102 and 40001)

So I''m at loss there. . .I dont know what else to try.

Could any one else give me a detailed insight or tutorial or webpage adress to help me?



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