An idea and a question?

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3 comments, last by Kambiz 16 years, 7 months ago
Ive been looking all over the web for some type of forum where someone could possibly help me find an answer to my wuestion or send me in the right direction. I have an idea/invention for the xbox 360. something that would revolutionize the way people play madden. I dont know where to start? And im sorry if this is the wrong forum to be posting in.
To start its good to know what you already know.
Like do you know how to program? What do you want make a million bucks with your new idea? Did you make any games before this idea? I mean the forum is flooded with people with new idea's and I got some myself. We all know/think that its gonna change the world as we know it. If your not about making the million bucks I suggest using C# and XNA and connection the xbox controler to the pc. Then when you think its good enough you can always subscript and get it onto the xbox 360. This won't make you a lot of money (I don't know if you can even make money this way) but it will get your game onto the xbox360 (and pc for that matter). Otherwise, you need a XDK wich your never gonna get.

Just my € 0,02

if (*pYou == ASSHOLE) { pYou->Die(); delete pYou; };
Contact the people that made Madden for XBox360 and communicate the idea to them.
its more of an attachment for the controller and new control design , i tried to find any contact information on madden and ea sports/ corporate in general. But i appreciate the input. I will continue researching for answers.
I Have A Game Idea!
Selling game designs/ideas

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