Parallax Mapping Help

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1 comment, last by littlekid 16 years, 7 months ago
My Parallax Mapping is not performing as what it should, I am taking the images from the SDK Demo, which is the wood and the shapes heightmap.

struct VS_INPUT
	float3 Position	: POSITION0;
	float3 Normal	: NORMAL0;
	float3 Tangent	: TANGENT0;
	float3 Binormal	: BINORMAL0;
	float2 Texture	: TEXCOORD0;

struct VS_OUTPUT
	float4 Position	: POSITION0;
	float2 Texture	: TEXCOORD0;
	float3 LightTS	: TEXCOORD1;
	float3 ViewTS	: TEXCOORD2;
	float3 NormalTS	: TEXCOORD3;

struct PS_OUTPUT
	float4 Color0	: COLOR0;

VS_OUTPUT vs_floor(in VS_INPUT In)
	float3 NormalWS = mul(In.Normal, (float3x3)World);
	float3 BinormalWS = mul(In.Binormal, (float3x3)World);
	float3 TangentWS = mul(In.Tangent, (float3x3)World);
	float3x3 TBNMatrix = float3x3(normalize(TangentWS), normalize(BinormalWS), normalize(NormalWS));
	float4 PositionWS = mul(float4(In.Position, 1.0f), World);
	Out.Position = mul(PositionWS, mul(View, Projection));
	Out.Texture = In.Texture;
	Out.LightTS = mul(Light.Position - PositionWS, TBNMatrix);
	Out.ViewTS = mul(EyePosition - PositionWS, TBNMatrix);
	Out.NormalTS = mul(NormalWS, TBNMatrix);
	return Out;

float4 ComputeIllumination(float4 BaseColor, float3 LightTS, float3 ViewTS, float3 NormalTS)
	float4 FinalColor;
	float4 Diffuse = saturate(dot(NormalTS, LightTS)) * float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	float3 HalfVec = normalize(ViewTS + LightTS);
	float fRdotL = saturate(dot(NormalTS, HalfVec));
	float4 Specular = saturate(pow(fRdotL, 130));
	FinalColor = (Diffuse * BaseColor) + Specular;
	return FinalColor;

PS_OUTPUT ps_floor_parallax_occlusion(in VS_OUTPUT In)
	float MaxParallaxLength = length(In.ViewTS.xy) / In.ViewTS.z;
	MaxParallaxLength *= 0.5f;
	float2 ParallaxOffsetVector = MaxParallaxLength * normalize(-In.ViewTS.xy);
	float3 nLightTS = normalize(In.LightTS);
	float3 nViewTS = normalize(In.ViewTS);
	float3 nNormalTS = normalize(In.NormalTS);
	int NumSamples = (int)lerp(MaxSamples, MinSamples, dot(nViewTS, nNormalTS));
	float StepSize = 1.0f / (float)NumSamples;
	float2 ParallaxOffsetStep = ParallaxOffsetVector * StepSize;
	float2 dx, dy;
	dx = ddx(In.Texture);
	dy = ddy(In.Texture);
	float2 TexSampler = In.Texture;
	float2 TexOffset = In.Texture;
	int iSample = 0;
	float CurrHeight = 0.0f;
	float PrevHeight = 1.0f;
	float RayHeight = 1.0f;
	float Ratio = 0.0f;
	while (iSample < NumSamples)
		CurrHeight = tex2Dgrad(NormalHeightSampler, TexOffset, dx, dy).a;
		if (CurrHeight > RayHeight)
			Ratio = (CurrHeight - RayHeight) / (StepSize - PrevHeight + CurrHeight);
			TexOffset = TexOffset - (Ratio * ParallaxOffsetStep);
			iSample = NumSamples + 1;
			TexOffset = TexOffset + ParallaxOffsetStep;
			RayHeight = RayHeight - StepSize;
			PrevHeight = CurrHeight;
	TexSampler = TexOffset;
	float3 NormalTS = normalize(2.0f * tex2D(NormalHeightSampler, TexSampler).rgb - 1.0f);
	float4 BaseColor = tex2D(TexSceneSampler, TexSampler);
	Out.Color0 = ComputeIllumination(BaseColor, nLightTS, nViewTS, NormalTS);
	Out.Color0.a = 1.0f;
	return Out;
Here is the image of what it turn out to be: The image seems warped. Is there anything wrong with my HLSL code? Sorry for the long post
It's difficult to say from just static code analysis what your problem is, but I have seen similar results when I implemented POM last year. It tends to be a simple case of flipping the sign/direction of a ray or vector that you're using - you'll probably find you're tracing in the wrong direction or offsetting in the wrong direction...

It can take a while to work it through from the theory, but there are lots of POM/RM samples online you can use as references. See how they're doing it and see if there are any obvious differences. Start with the SDK implementation.


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Jack Hoxley <small>[</small><small> Forum FAQ | Revised FAQ | MVP Profile | Developer Journal ]</small>

Thanks Jack, you are right, its some directional problem with my offset vector.

Thanks alot.

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