Page turning animation (how to build, or where to buy)

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0 comments, last by ValMan 16 years, 6 months ago
I have an existing an C++ application. The application has pages of a document in the form of dynamically generated bitmaps. I would like flat rectangular meshes that can be leafed through like the pages of the book. I would like for my bitmaps to be textures of these meshes. I could try to construct these meshes myself but this looks really complicated. Is there sample code out there that does something similar. Or a library that does this. Or a .X animation file I can buy? Many thanks.
I think the easiest way would be to model a rectangular mesh in a 3D program, then animate it. Export a separate .x file for every frame of animation, then load them all into your program and interpolate between frames over time, which us called "vertex animation".

There are free 3D programs available, the best of which IMO is GMax (available from TurboSquid once you register). GMax cannot write .x files, but I think it can do .obj. You can either learn how to parse .obj (which can't be difficult because it's a text format, or find a converter (Deep Exploration is one example).

And of course you could do it by hand too, but that would be fairly difficult.

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