VC 2005 and SDL/OpenGL

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8 comments, last by Velvet Leopard 16 years, 6 months ago
Yay! I finally got VC 2005 setup and running after all of Microsoft's weird and problematic junk to go through. Ok. I have my compiler and language. Now all I need is to find a tutorial or site to show how to setup VC 2005 with SDL and/or OpenGL. Anyone have an idea?
Install the Platform SDK, then SDL:Tutorials:Setup (You can ignore the SDL_mixer stuff unless you want to install that too.)
Is the SDL_mixer any good to use.

Thanks for the information, my friend.
I personally haven't used SDL_mixer, so I have no idea.

This one tutorial I am on mentions changing a setting each and every time you make an SDL project. Something to do with making it (/MD) a she put it. Multithreaded dll or something. He is using VC 6.0 for MS and he types:

Once your project is loaded, you need to change one more setting. Select Project->SDL Application Framework Properties. Now select the C/C++ folder on the left and go to Code Generation. In the box that says Runtime library bring down the drop-down menu and select Multi-threaded DLL (/MD). You must do this for all of your SDL projects.

How do you do this in VC 2005? If it even needs to be done.
Project->Properties->Configuration Properties->C/C++->Code Generation->Runtime Library

However it's set to Multi-threaded DLL by default in vc2005.

Also be careful with tutorial you're following it sounds as though it's way put of date.

Lazy foo has a setup tutorial for vs 2005

As Ra mentioned you will need the Platform SDK!!!
Ok I will do that. I do have the SDk by the way.

By any chance could you point me to some good tutorials for things like pong, Tetris, Breakout, etc so I can learn nice and proper?
Again lazy foo will help you get used to SDL. Should be enough to get a basic tetris clone going. To get things "nice and proper" you'll need a few good books, the gamedev forums and lots of practice.

Okee dokee. I am checking out Lazy Foo, pretty cool site so far, and I am going to double check my installations.
YAYS! Finally got it setup and running. Now I can finally get to some tutorials and learn some stuff. I thank you so much for your help.

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