Optimized RAM usage, needed or not?

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2 comments, last by AfroFire 16 years, 5 months ago


I would say no, the driver will page in and out texture using some (hopefully) clever scheme (like LRU) if you use too much. Having memory full or half-full on the gfx card isnt going to affect performance. Switching textures often, and reading from many textures at once will though, but I dont think that was your question.
Er, no. The RAM operates at the same speed no matter how much data you put in it. The memory space is still there, it's not like you create new memory when you upload a texture. You just overwrite the bits that were already there. Whether they're filled with 0's, random garbage or texture data doesn't make a difference performance-wise. (But the image quality looks quite a lot better in the last case [grin])
Remember you're RANDOMLY accessing - you're not iterating through a list.
AfroFire | Brin"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education."-Albert Einstein

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