AABB 2D Collision math problem from example

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1 comment, last by Jenison 16 years, 4 months ago
I'm implementing 2D collision detection using AABB from the tutorial on http://www.harveycartel.org/metanet/tutorials/tutorialA.html I'm writing my own version and it works, sorta. The problem i'm having is this section of code from the example. When they talk about penetration depth are they talking about how much each box is into each other? Because what I'm seeing doesn't not working with 2 rectangles of (10x1 - ground) and (2x2 - player)

var dx = pos.x - tx;//tile->obj delta
var px = (txw + this.xw) - Math.abs(dx);//penetration depth in x

lets just say this

dx = 5 - 0;
px = (5 + 1) - 5 = 1

px is > 0 so we have penetration there

but! if its 

dx = -5 - 0;
px = (5 + 1) - 5 = 1

px is > 0 so this says we have penetration but the player is in the 5 units away from the ground. the ground would start at 0 and have a width of 10. I've been wrestling with this for a day or so and I cant seem to figure out why they do this. Any help / insite would be appreciated. code from the example

function CollideAABBVsTile(tile)
	var pos = this.pos;
	var c = tile;
	var tx = c.pos.x;
	var ty = c.pos.y;
	var txw = c.xw;
	var tyw = c.yw;

	var dx = pos.x - tx;//tile->obj delta
	var px = (txw + this.xw) - Math.abs(dx);//penetration depth in x

	if(0 < px)
		var dy = pos.y - ty;//tile->obj delta
		var py = (tyw + this.yw) - Math.abs(dy);//pen depth in y
		if(0 < py)
			//object may be colliding with tile; call tile-specific collision function
			//calculate projection vectors
			if(px < py)
				//project in x
				if(dx < 0)
					//project to the left
					px *= -1;
					py = 0;
					//proj to right
					py = 0;
				//project in y
				if(dy < 0)
					//project up
					px = 0;
					py *= -1;
					//project down
					px = 0;

the ground can't "start at 0" -- you should reread the section on halfwidths.

(5 + 1) means that the halfwidth of one object is 5, the other is 1; in other words, one is 10pix wide and the other is 2pix. so, if the centers of the objects are only 5pix from each other, there is a penetration of 1pix, which is the result you're getting.

i recommend downloading this presentation, it contains a better explanation of halfwidths: http://www.harveycartel.org/metanet/tutorials/fitc05.zip
Quote:Original post by raigan
the ground can't "start at 0" -- you should reread the section on halfwidths.

(5 + 1) means that the halfwidth of one object is 5, the other is 1; in other words, one is 10pix wide and the other is 2pix. so, if the centers of the objects are only 5pix from each other, there is a penetration of 1pix, which is the result you're getting.

i recommend downloading this presentation, it contains a better explanation of halfwidths: http://www.harveycartel.org/metanet/tutorials/fitc05.zip

Thank you for the suggestion! Figures I missed something like that. Always those mundane details ;)

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