Rendering a region

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1 comment, last by Woltan 16 years, 4 months ago
Hey Folks, I have a problem: I am using an FBO to render a texture to display that texture on a quad. Is there a way to just update that quad in the back buffer? So that all the rest does not have to be updated as well? I am a bit worried, that otherwise my CPU would blow! So question: Is there a way to just render a selected region within opengl space? I hope you understood my problem. Thx in advance for your help cherio Woltan
I'm not quite sure I correctly understand what you want to do but maybe you wan't to setup a scissor region and enable scissor testing, so only a specified region would be drawn to. ( Look at glScissor and glEnable(GL_SCRISSOR_TEST) )
That is exactly what i wanna do! Thx!
The only problem I am facing now is, to determine the window coordinates, where my rect lies.
But I think somehow I should be able to figure that out!
Thx again
cherio Woltan

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