Interior lighting model

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6 comments, last by Todo 16 years, 4 months ago
Hi, My current project is to real-time render a scene inside a house. The scene consists of furniture, various light sources, etc. I've considered PRT, but it is not suitable for local lighting. I've also considered using a large number of point light sources to approximate area light source, but it is time consuming. My questions is: which lighting model to choose to get realistic interior lighting effect as pics in following link: any suggestions and comments are appreciated.
Here I am.
If you don't need to move objects or light sources at runtime, you can pre-compute all the lighting and store the lighting information in light-maps. That way you can use arbitrarily complex lighting algorithms including ones that do global illumination.

If you need your lighting to be completely realtime, I'd go for regular phong shading and shadow maps in combination with pre-rendered (or realtime) ambient occlusion textures and probably an ambient term taken from a cube map (image based lighting). This should give you pretty good results.

The screenshots you've posted seem to do phong shading + stencil shadows + constant ambient so nothing exciting really.
Thank you Harry Hunt for your kindness reply.

The light source in my project should be dynamic, that means: there are many different types of light souces which can be "plugged into" the scene dynamically. In fact, it is a kind of interior lighting design software.
Here I am.
In that case I think you are best off with Phong Shading + Ambient Occlusion + Image Based Lighting + Shadow Maps
if you want something really special you might want to take a look at realtime radiosity. i know only little about it so i can`t say much more. google for lightsmark demo
check out this paper:
@Harry Hunt: What do you mean with "Image Based Lighting"? Do you mean "deferred lighting"? I thought "deferred lighting" is just an another way to calculate the lighting, but not a new lighting algorithm.
IBL here simply means sampling light from an image, such as is the case with the Source engine (HL2, TF2) for example. You could for example light a room using an ambient cube (map) that approximates indirect lighting and combine this with a direct lighting term such as Phong.

Here's some references on the Source approach:
(but there's a lot more on IBL in general, as it's a broad and active subject)

EDIT: linkified

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