[XNA] Displaying a Sprite

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0 comments, last by Wan 16 years, 3 months ago
Hello, What are the steps for displaying a sprite in XNA? If possible, can you explain what the basic steps are instead of just copying code? The examples I find are just segments of code without any explanation of how it works. Thanks in advance :)
Essentially, rendering sprites is nothing more than displaying textures in 2D mode. So the first step would be to declare a texture:

Texture2D myTexture;

And load it using the content manager:
myTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("texture.png");

The second thing you'll need is a sprite batch object:
SpriteBatch mySpriteBatch;

Which needs to be instantiated parsing the graphics device to its contructor:
mySpriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(graphics.GraphicsDevice);

The actual drawing consists of three steps. First, call the begin method of the sprite batch object:


By default, this call will set the appropriate render (and sampler) states for drawing sprites. To list some of them:

- it will enable alpha blending, the blending and comparison function to use.
- it will set the texture addressing mode to clamp, and the texture filter to linear.
- it will disable depth buffering.

Some of it overloaded methods of Begin() will allow you to save the render states as they were set before the sprites rendering.

On to the actual drawing:

mySpriteBatch.Draw(myTexture, Vector2.Zero, Color.White);

Again, the method is overloaded, but I believe this is its most basic call. The first parameter is the texture you want to draw, the second parameter determines the position to draw and with the last argument you have the option to color it. You can draw more than one sprite by making multiple calls to Draw().

Indicates the of the sprite drawing. It will reset the render states if desired.

In a simplest form, that's really all it is.

Disclaimer: it wrote this out of the top of my head, so it may contain some syntax mistakes or incorrect argument lists. Check the MSDN documentation.

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