GLSL: shading models with rotation / translation

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4 comments, last by Emiug 16 years, 3 months ago
First, let me just wish you all a Happy New Year! Im currently writing a shader to shade the models in my scene, everything works fine, until i rotate the models. is there anyway of sending the models to the shader after performing the transforms? or is there something i should do in the shader to transform the vertices? Thanks in advance Emiug
Well, you can solve your problem by two ways :

1. Calculate everything in world space (so use light * gl_ModelViewMatrix, normal * gl_ModelViewMatrix, .... - multiply everything with model view matrix)

2. Multiply your light with inverse modelview matrix of transformed model.

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For all but the most simple shaders (and possibly post-process shaders that only operate on a screen-aligned quad), you should always be multiplying your vertices by the modelview matrix. There's a GLSL function specifically for this:
gl_Position = ftransform();
It's pretty much the equivalent of multplying your untransformed vertex position by the modelview matrix, as Vilem Otte mentioned.
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Hey, thanks for the replies.
Im not sure if this is right, but my shader should look something like this?

varying vec3 lightDir; varying vec3 eyeDir;attribute vec3 Tangent; uniform vec3 LightPos;void main(void){//LightPos = gl_ModelViewMatrix * vec4(LightPos, 1);gl_Position = ftransform(); vec4 v = vec4(gl_Vertex);vec3 norm = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);norm = vec4(norm,1) *  gl_ModelViewMatrix;vec3 tang = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * Tangent);tang = vec4(tang,1) *  gl_ModelViewMatrix;vec3 binorm = cross(norm,tang);   eyeDir = vec3(gl_ModelViewMatrix * v);vec3 tmp;tmp.x = dot(LightPos,tang);tmp.y = dot(LightPos,binorm);tmp.z = dot(LightPos,norm);lightDir = normalize(tmp);tmp.x = dot(eyeDir,tang);tmp.y = dot(eyeDir,binorm);tmp.z = dot(eyeDir,norm);eyeDir = normalize(tmp);gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;}

Thanks for the help

Well, this code should be all right (but I'm not 100% sure).

varying vec3 lightDir; varying vec3 eyeDir;attribute vec3 Tangent; uniform vec3 LightPos;void main(void){       gl_Position = ftransform();        vec4 v = vec4(gl_Vertex * gl_ModelViewMatrix);       vec3 norm = normalize(gl_Normal);       vec3 tang = normalize(Tangent);       vec3 binorm = cross(norm,tang);       binorm = vec4(binorm,1) * gl_ModelViewMatrix;       norm = vec4(norm,1) * gl_ModelViewMatrix;       tang = vec4(tang,1) * gl_ModelViewMatrix;       // Well, i'm not sure, if this works, i'm sending camera position from       // application to shader as vec3, then take direction as (cameraPos - v)       // and normalize it, btw. direction needs to be normalized!       eyeDir = normalize(vec3(gl_ModelViewMatrix * v));       // Light direction is vector from position to vertices on screen, we have           // vertices in world space, so LightPos needs to be in world space too!       // and normalization is for direction needed too!       vec4 lightDirection = (vec4(LightPos, 1.0) * gl_ModelViewMatrix) - v;       lightDirection = normalize(lightDirection);       vec3 tmp;       tmp.x = dot(,tang);       tmp.y = dot(,binorm);       tmp.z = dot(,norm);       lightDir = normalize(tmp);       tmp.x = dot(eyeDir,tang);       tmp.y = dot(eyeDir,binorm);       tmp.z = dot(eyeDir,norm);       eyeDir = normalize(tmp);       gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;}

Anyway you'll calculate lighting in fragment shader like this:
varying vec3 lightDir; varying vec3 eyeDir;uniform sampler2D normalMap;void main(){       vec3 normalTex = texture2D(normalMap, gl_TexCoord[0].xy).xyz;       normalTex = normalTex * 2.0 - 1.0;       float DiffuseLight = max(dot(normalTex, lightDir), 0.0);       float SpecularLightBlinn = pow(max(dot(normalize(lightDir + eyeDir), normalTex), 0.0), 32.0);       gl_FragColor = vec4(DiffuseLight + SpecularLightBlinn, DiffuseLight + SpecularLightBlinn, DiffuseLight + SpecularLightBlinn, 1.0);}

Well, good luck with your project and I hope this codes are all right, if not, let me know, i'll post some "better to understand".

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Hey thanks for the help,
the modifications you made worked, and i learned a few things today also.


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