Would this linked list work?

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9 comments, last by Toolmaker 16 years, 3 months ago
I know there are tons of stuff out there explaining linked lists and stuff but I wrote this one off the top of my head and just to make sure I understand them I did not want to compare to a working one, rather get some input. Mainly want to make sure this code: 1) Has no memory leaks 2) Follows proper programming practices/industry standards 3) Not doing anything unnecessary Header:

#pragma once

#include <string>

struct MenuItem {
	std::string menuText;
	int xPos;
	int yPos;
	MenuItem* next;
	static MenuItem* head;

class Menu {
	MenuItem* m_pMenuItems;

	void addMenuItem(std::string menuText, int xPos, int yPos);


#include "Menu.h"

MenuItem* MenuItem::head = 0;

Menu::Menu() {
	m_pMenuItems = NULL;

Menu::~Menu() {
	// clean up the linked list
	MenuItem* temp;

	temp = m_pMenuItems->head;
	while(temp) {
		m_pMenuItems = temp->next;
		delete temp;
		temp = m_pMenuItems;

void Menu::addMenuItem(std::string menuText, int xPos, int yPos) {
	// check and make sure we have a menu item
	if(m_pMenuItems) {
		// if it does exist we just need to create a new MenuItem and set it to the head
		MenuItem* temp;

		// create a new MenuItem
		temp = new MenuItem();
		temp->menuText = menuText;
		temp->xPos = xPos;
		temp->yPos = yPos;

		// set the next to the current head and then reset the head to the last created
		temp->next = m_pMenuItems->head;
		m_pMenuItems->head = temp;
	} else {
		// otherwise we need to create a menu
		m_pMenuItems = new MenuItem();

		// assign the values
		m_pMenuItems->menuText = menuText;
		m_pMenuItems->xPos = xPos;
		m_pMenuItems->yPos = yPos;

		// set the head to itself since it is the only one
		m_pMenuItems->head = m_pMenuItems;

Your use of a static head pointer is completely broken if you ever want to create more than one menu at a time. To answer your questions, aside from that issue:

1) There is at least one memory leak: if when creating a new menu item, assignment of menuText throws an exception, you will leak the new menu item.
2) No. Existing practice would be to use an existing container like std::list.
3) Unnecessarily implements a linked list.
1. Make sure that it's exception safe. I don't believe it is, but I'm not sure. If it's not, exceptions could cause you to leak memory.
2. #pragma once is MS VC++ only. You should use ifndef guards instead. They are more idiomatic and portable. Adding an item to a list generally adds it to the end of the list, not the top, but that's not real important.
3. Well, other than that you could be using std::list instead and not have to write *any* of this code, you're addMenuItem function is repetitive. If you look at it, it does the exact same either way the if() goes. If the original head is null, then setting the new head's next to the original head won't do anything (it was already null).
Thank you for the speedy reply. I see your point about not being able to create more than one menu. Overlooked that since I was designing this for a specific purpose but the whole reason I wanted a linked list in the first place is because I am trying to design this with extreme flexibility so point taken!

As far as the memory leak, when would menuText throw an exception and how would you properly handle that? I think I understood you right that if the menuText threw an exception it would leak the newly created MenuItem but I am unsure as to why. So I guess how would it leak and how would you fix that? Just for knowledge - I was unaware there was a container for linked lists in the STL - guess I need to review what it has to offer a little more.

Either way, thank you for your help.
Assignment of a std::string can fail if there's an out of memory situation, or sometimes in a heap corruption situation (though in that case, newing the menu item should probably not work).

Also, I just noticed you take a std::string by value in your addMenuItem() function. You should probably use a const reference instead.
Is that just when passing strings to a function that it is better to use a const reference or is it better that way when passing any data to a function?
It depends on the data type. Passing a single char by const reference instead of by value would be pretty pointless. Basically anything bigger than a double or with a non-trivial copy constructor should be passed by const reference instead of by value.
Ahh, makes sense. I could probably ask a zillion more questions but would you happen to know a good book that goes over all of these programming practices and standards? I pick up concepts very well and documentation pretty much can get me along with knowing the code but where I am falling short is the standards I think, hard to know everything from day 1, heh.
Quote:Original post by Nabren
Ahh, makes sense. I could probably ask a zillion more questions but would you happen to know a good book that goes over all of these programming practices and standards?

The C++ FAQ Lite is pretty much required reading. It covers some good practice stuff, as well as other stuff.

It's not a book though, and is not really comprehensive.
For books, you might want to try "Effective C++", "More Effective C++" and "Effective STL" by Scott Meyers, "C++ Gotchas" and "C++ Common Knowledge" by Dewhurst and "Exception C++", "More Exceptional C++" and "C++ Coding Standards" by Herb Sutter (and the last with Andrei Alexandrescu).

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