How to pass parameters to glutDispFunc()

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1 comment, last by kingyy 16 years, 3 months ago
Hello guys, I am a newbie to openGL. And I have got a problem of passing parameters to glutDispFunc. Currently I am using openGL & glut for a network project. Every time, I need the server to open a new window of openGL for each client's request, and send back the image to client. When client close the connection, the server should close the window. Each client has different request, so I need the window to display different things. But, glutDispFunc() does not accept input parameters. 1. If I use a global parameters, different windows may get messed up with each other. T_T 2. If I use two different threads, the close of one windows would terminate all other windows. T_T 3. If I use two different processes, the system will crash(a kernel problem in LINUX). T_T 4. If I abondon the there any way of using openGL without glut in Linux?? T_T Thank you very much, guys.
Do you actually need to render to the screen or can you do what you want with rendering to a texture?
Hmm, I think I do not really need to render the scence.

OK, what if I need, or I do not need?

Actually, I only need CGs to do some image processings for different camers. The client should be able to get any results from any window.

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