getting input from user

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5 comments, last by bigjoe11a 16 years, 3 months ago
I don't loaded c++ for dummies. and one of the options it had was how to get a string of chars or letters from the user. string bank; cout << "Input Bank Name :"; cin.getline(bank, 50); How ever, every time I compile It get this error. savings.cpp(16) : error C2664: 'std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits> &std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>::getline(_Elem *,std::streamsize)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'std::string' to 'char *' Can some one help me with this. It's bad that std was a pain. I follow the book to the t and I still get errors. Joe
The member version of getline() expects a char*, and an integer indicating the maximum number of characters to be read (and, optionally, a delimiter to be used).

What you want is the non-member getline() function:
string bank;cout << "Input Bank Name :";std::getline(cin, bank);
Note that the non-member version does not take a 'buffer size' argument for a reason: std::string objects manage their own storage and resize as needed, so there's no need to worry about arrays, buffer sizes, and so on.
cin.getline() expects a char* for the first argument. What you're probably looking for is std::getline(), which takes a stream (cin in this case) and a string.

In code:
string bank;cout << "Input Bank Name: ";getline( cin, bank );
This will also allow strings longer than some arbitrary length chosen as a limit.
What it was probably shooting for was the following:
string bank;cout << "Input Bank Name :";std::getline(cin, bank);

If you're using namespace std, you don't need the std:: before getline, but you should know where the function resides.

The bottom line is that it sounds like you need better learning material. Might I suggest Thinking In C++ or C++: A Dialog? Both free online, and invaluable when learning C++.

[Edit: Double drat!]
Quote:Original post by jyk
The member version of getline() expects a char*, and an integer indicating the maximum number of characters to be read (and, optionally, a delimiter to be used).

What you want is the non-member getline() function:
string bank;cout << "Input Bank Name :";std::getline(cin, bank);
Note that the non-member version does not take a 'buffer size' argument for a reason: std::string objects manage their own storage and resize as needed, so there's no need to worry about arrays, buffer sizes, and so on.

Well I have it setup in a loop so that when the user press x that ends the input. Its just that it seems to be doing doubles. It seems to prompt more then 2 times at one time. If you get the idea. when you run the program it looks like this

Enter Bank Name :

Enter Bank Name :

any ideas
Quote:Original post by bigjoe11a
Well I have it setup in a loop so that when the user press x that ends the input. Its just that it seems to be doing doubles. It seems to prompt more then 2 times at one time. If you get the idea. when you run the program it looks like this

Enter Bank Name :

Enter Bank Name :

any ideas
Post your full source (be sure to use [source] tags).
Here you go

void bankinfo()

cout << "Input a Bank Name (input a x or X to end list)\n";

string bank;

cout << "\n\nInput Bank Name :";
getline(cin, bank);
if("x") == 0 ||"X") == 0)

string bank = banks.front();
cout << bank << endl;





int main()
// my menu is here

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