best langauge for a browser based mmo?

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4 comments, last by Maldus 16 years, 2 months ago
I was thinking of swinging near the java langauge, though I heard python might just work. What are you thoughts?
For my browser based MMO I used &#106avascript, PHP, HTML, and MySQL. Depending on what kinda game your looking to make Java would do fine. Flash would also be fine.

Really, more info on what kinda game you want to make is necessary here.
Runescape,maplestory type of thing. That is what I am aiming for, its a huge project. I didn't know flash was powerfull enough for a semi mmo.
I would probably say Java.
For the sorts of games you've described you'll probably want to use Java, Flash (yes, with some work it could do it) or ShockWave (Flash on steroids, the tools are expensive though).

You could also look at using a range of other languages (including Python or C#) via Microsoft's Silverlight plugin.

Personally I'd probably go with either Java or investigate Python/Silverlight (although I must note I've not tried using Silverlight at all yet).

- Jason Astle-Adams

I think that AJAX + PHP + SQL could be good for a browser MMO.

But what kind of game do you want ? Each sort of games have specifics needs.

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