DirectInput key always pressed

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0 comments, last by Evil Steve 16 years, 2 months ago
(I couldn't see any code tags, so i apologise for the ew look) Hi I've been making an input engine for my game using DirectInput8 - got most of the code from a book. Problem is that I seem to be getting the same mouse information regardless of whether a button is pressed or not. Here is my initialization: int res = DirectInput8Create(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8, (void**)&m_di, NULL); if (FAILED(res)){ g_pLogger->error("Could not create Input Device"); return; } res = m_di->CreateDevice(GUID_SysMouse, &m_mouse, NULL); if (FAILED(res)){ g_pLogger->error("Could not create mouse interface"); return; } if (FAILED(m_mouse->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIMouse))){ g_pLogger->error("Could not set data format for mouse"); return; } if (FAILED(m_mouse->SetCooperativeLevel(m_hWnd, DISCL_BACKGROUND | DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE))){ g_pLogger->error("Could not set coop level for mouse"); return; } if (FAILED(m_mouse->Acquire())){ g_pLogger->error("Could not acquire mouse"); return; } Here is the updating: while (true){ m_mouse->Poll(); if (SUCCEEDED(res = m_mouse->GetDeviceState(sizeof(DIMOUSESTATE), &m_mouseState))) break; if (res != DIERR_INPUTLOST && res != DIERR_NOTACQUIRED){ g_pLogger->error("Could not get mouse state???"); return; } if (FAILED(m_mouse->Acquire())){ g_pLogger->error("Could not reacquire mouse!!!!"); return; } } Now if i check each of the four .rgbButtons values I get rgbButtons = {205,205,410,615} these values don't change if I click any of the buttons... this is odd - I came about it by finding that my button was always pressed (Coz 205 & 0x80 is not 0) any help would be much appreciated !!
Don't do that.

Seriously, bin DirectInput.

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