XNA DrawString

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1 comment, last by Sicaine 16 years, 2 months ago
If I draw an XNA drawstring outside the backbuffer, does XNA waste the resources drawing it? In other words, if I have a scrolling game, should I make sure that text (say, words on a sign) will actually appear on the screen before I draw them, or does XNA already do that?
I would imagine that XNA wouldn't attempt to draw something that is beyond the bounds of the screen.

It really shouldn't be too difficult to determine this yourself though, and prevent you from even making the draw call.
You can simple test it by drawing a extrem high number of Strings and check out if your fps are going down by drawing outside as they gowing down as you draw them inside the buffer.
The UNIX philosophy basically involves giving you enough rope to hang yourself. And then a couple of feet more, just to be sure.I love the risk.

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