Best was to model type cast

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1 comment, last by Desperado 16 years, 2 months ago
Hello folks, currently, I'm coding a program that has a scenegraph-structure, which means that you have one node class and several subclasses. Each of thos classes may even implement a couple of interfaces, for serialization for example. Example: class DerivedNode : Node, InterfaceA,InterfaceB { void MethodFromNodeClass() {} void MethodFromInterfaceAImplementation() {} void MethodFromINterfaceBImplementatino() {} }; You get the idea. My question now is, is there a common and robust pattern for handling type testing and type conversion when it comes to polymorphy? My first idea was to simply use a dynamic cast: //Node* someNode; DerivedNode *derivNode = dynamic_cast<DerivedNode*>(someNode); if (derivNode) derivNode->methodSFromDerivedNodeClass(); else std::cout << "This isn't a DeriveNode object" << std::endl; } , but this of course leaves testing, casting and error handling completely in the hands of the implementing person. Besides, it might be possible that I need the "InterfaceA" and "InterfaceB" parts of the class as standalone objects so I would rather use a "has-a" relationship class DerivedNode : Node { InterfaceA* subobjectOfTypeA; InterfaceB* subobjectOfTypeB; } however, then I couldn't just typecast the DeriveNode-object to InterfaceA and InterfaceB. Some class implementations I have seen carry an inheritance list with them and handle the type conversion manually by implementing a "cast" method that returns the approprate data. So which design methods exist there and which would you recommend for my case? Thanks in advance
struct Node {  template < class T >  T * get() {    return dynamic_cast<T*>(data);  };  SomeCompoundObject * data;};...Node n;MyInterface * mi = n.get<MyInterface>();if (mi != NULL) {  // do stuff};
Thanks for the suggestion, it didn't fully answer my question, so I will state it more detailed:

I have seen sourcecode where the type conversion between a class and it's implemented interfaces wasn't done directly via a cast operator but by implementing a cast table inside the class that listed all the interfaces and several "castToInterfaceWhatever()" instance method that handled the conversion.

What might be the sense of that?

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