pre compiling various stuff

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5 comments, last by Sync Views 16 years, 2 months ago
How can I "precompile" everything except one cpp file so that people can put their own code in that file but can't edit the other source files at all (includeing not being able to see the code in them)? I don't mind to much if the headers can't be precompiled as there just declarations but I really want the cpp files compiled to a stage that it's not practicle for people to get at the code. Example of file for the user to edit: -creating a very basic particle system

#include "base.h"//includes headers for all the other source files and sets up globals.

int mysys, mypart;

//this is at the very start of the game before even the window is created
void pre_game()
	//width of our window
	window_width = 800;
	//height of our window
	window_height = 600;
	//should the window be fullscreen?
	fullscreen = false;
	//caption given to our game window
	caption = "Particel system example";
	//number of steps per second -NOTE: this can be changed mid game.
	game_speed = 30;
	//ARGB hex value -NOTE: this can be changed mid game
	background_colour = 0xFF000000;
	//write minor errors/warnings to error_log.txt
	error_log = true;

	//create a new particle system
	mysys = part_system_create();

	//give the system a new particle type
	mypart = part_type_create(mysys, pt_type_pixel);
	//particles have a random speed between 8 and 10
	part_type_speed    (mysys, mypart, 8, 10);
	//particles always move towards the right
	part_type_direction(mysys, mypart, 0, 0);
	//particles live for 90 steps (or 3 seconds)
	part_type_life     (mysys, mypart, 90, 90;

	//particle colour is solid white with no varience
	pt_colour colour;
	colour.c1_a = 0xFF; colour.c2_a = 0xFF;
	colour.c1_r = 0xFF; colour.c2_r = 0xFF;
	colour.c1_g = 0xFF; colour.c2_g = 0xFF;
	colour.c1_b = 0xFF; colour.c2_b = 0xFF;
	part_type_colour(mysys, mypart, &colour);

	//create a new emitter for our system
	int myem = part_emitter_create(mysys);
	part_emitter_area(mysys, myem, 0, 0, 0, 600);
	part_emitter_rate(mysys, myem, 5);
	part_emitter_type(mysys, myem, mypart);


//just before the main loop. Now that everything has been created it's safe to load sprites etc which need d3d to be started
void pre_loop()

//at the start of each loop
void step_start()
	//update the particle system
//before objects are drawn
void draw_start()
	//draw all particles of this type in the system
	part_system_draw_type(mysys, mypart, 0);
//after the objects have been drawn
void draw_end()

//run right at the end of the loop after the draw events
void step_end()


void game_end()


Compile the code as a static library. Users can then link with the library and have all the already-compiled code linked in.
How do I have the libary contain the entry point and have it call the functions in the users code at the correct times?

Right now vs compiles everything fine except main.cpp which is what calls the functions in the user file because it can't find the functions that I want in that file... Do I need to create a header declaring but not defining the functions or somthing?
usually library files require you to include them in the linker (or vis studio under linker inputs) plus they require the header files to be included in the project
test.lib(main.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl pre_game(void)" (?pre_game@@YAXXZ) referenced in function _WinMain@16

#include <string>#pragma comment (lib, "lib/test.lib")#include "lib/draw_base.h"#include "lib/draw_sprite.h"#include "lib/maths.h"#include "lib/particle.h"#include "lib/object.h"#include "lib/collision.h"#include "lib/input.h"extern bool error_log, game_run, fullscreen;extern int mouse_x, mouse_y;extern unsigned short game_speed, window_width, window_height;extern unsigned long background_colour;extern std::string caption;void pre_gmae();void pre_loop();void step_start();void draw_start();void draw_end();void step_end();void game_end();

#include "test.h"void pre_gmae(){}void pre_loop(){}void step_start(){}void draw_start(){}void draw_end(){}void step_end(){}void game_end(){}
The second line of game.cpp has the typo "pre_gmae".
ops...I basicly copied that from my orig project, suppose I should have checked what I was copying lol...Well it all works now :)

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