parallax shader not working all the time

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0 comments, last by Sc4Freak 16 years, 2 months ago
I have a parallax shader that works on my ATI system with my Direct X. It will only show gray cubes on my NVIDIA system. I must be doing something incorrect, because the shader works on both systems if I build a test app in DBP. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? here is the shader. //-------------------------------- // Parallax mapping //-------------------------------- // By Evolved // //-------------------------------- //----------------- // un-tweaks //----------------- matrix WorldVP:WorldViewProjection; matrix World:World; matrix ViewInv:ViewInverse; //----------------- // tweaks //----------------- float4 LightPosition = {150.0f, 150.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}; float4 LightColor = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}; float LightRange = 2000.0f; float4 Ambient = {0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f}; float SpecularPow = 32.0f; float Heightvec = 0.03; float BiasHeight = 0.1; float U = 1.0f; float V = 1.0f; //----------------- // Texture //----------------- texture BaseTX < string Name=""; >; sampler2D Base = sampler_state { texture = <BaseTX>; }; texture NormalTX < string Name=""; >; sampler2D Normal = sampler_state { texture = <NormalTX>; }; texture HeightTX < string Name=""; >; sampler2D Height = sampler_state { texture = <HeightTX>; }; //----------------- // structs //----------------- struct input { float4 Pos:POSITION; float2 UV:TEXCOORD; float3 Normal:NORMAL; float3 Tangent:TANGENT; float3 Binormal:BINORMAL; }; struct output { float4 OPos:POSITION; float2 Tex:TEXCOORD0; float3 LightVec:TEXCOORD1; float3 Attenuation:TEXCOORD2; float3 ViewVec:TEXCOORD3; }; //----------------- // vertex shader //----------------- output VS(input IN) { output OUT; OUT.OPos=mul(IN.Pos,WorldVP); OUT.Tex=IN.UV*float2(U,V); float3 WNor=mul(IN.Normal,World); WNor=normalize(WNor); float3 Wtan=mul(IN.Tangent,World); Wtan=normalize(Wtan); float3 Wbin=mul(IN.Binormal,World); Wbin=normalize(Wbin); float3 WPos=mul(IN.Pos,World); float3x3 TBN={Wtan,Wbin,WNor}; TBN=transpose(TBN); float3 LightPos=LightPosition-WPos; float3 ViewPos=ViewInv[3].xyz-WPos; OUT.LightVec=mul(LightPos,TBN); OUT.Attenuation=-LightPos/LightRange; OUT.ViewVec=mul(ViewPos,TBN); return OUT; } //----------------- // pixel shader //----------------- float4 PS(output IN) : COLOR { float3 View=normalize(IN.ViewVec); float HeightTex=tex2D(Height,IN.Tex).x+BiasHeight; float2 NewUv=(Heightvec*HeightTex-0.02)*View+IN.Tex; float4 Texture=tex2D(Base,NewUv); float3 NormalMap=tex2D(Normal,NewUv)*2-1; NormalMap=normalize(NormalMap); float3 LightV=normalize(IN.LightVec); float Normal=saturate(dot(NormalMap,LightV)); float Specular=saturate(dot(reflect(-View,NormalMap),LightV)); Specular=pow(Specular,SpecularPow); float4 DiffuseLight=1-dot(IN.Attenuation,IN.Attenuation); float4 Light=saturate(DiffuseLight*LightColor); return Texture*(((Normal+Specular)*Light)+Ambient); } //----------------- // techniques //----------------- technique Parallax { pass p1 { vertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS(); pixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PS(); } } I cant find the link how to do the code tags...can a someone point me to the correct link so I can fix this? Thank you.
For code tags:

I'm not familiar with parallax mapping, but the first thing I'd do is run the shader through PIX. Using PIX, you can determine the exact order of execution, and debug the shader. PIX is included in the DirectX SDK. Also, you may want to run the shader through the reference rasteriser, to confirm that the shader is working correctly.
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