Warning LINK4098:

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6 comments, last by Sawsan Emam 16 years, 2 months ago
hi everyone, i hope you all are OK ... i am using VS2008 and actually i founded this warning followed by some errors "Unresolved External Symbols" .. which i think they are exist because of the warning ... i wish if anyone could help me .. the Warning is: LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'LIBCMTD' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library ... Thanks in advance: Sawsan A.Emam
Unresolved external symbols is compiler speak for I CANT FIND THE LIBRARY. You need to link in the correct library. Give us a dump of the errors and at least SOMEBODY will be able to figure out which library you are using.

As for the warning, IDK. Its possible you link the wrong library.
Don't thank me, thank the moon's gravitation pull! Post in My Journal and help me to not procrastinate!
first, thank you for your reply

The Error Message saying:

CTextureRenderer.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual long __stdcall CBaseRenderer::FindPin(wchar_t const *,struct IPin * *)" (?FindPin@CBaseRenderer@@UAGJPB_WPAPAUIPin@@@Z)

Thanks in advance,

Sawsan A.Emam
Once again, The Lounge is for off topic discussion. If you post another technical question in The Lounge I'm just going to close it so that it can't receive any responses, you should choose one of the technical forums - I'm going to move you to For Beginners.

- Jason Astle-Adams

Oh, i am really sorry ... i am just new to forums :)

please find a better way to talk to people with ... i had not made crime by posting it on Lounge

Thanks for your time ..

Sawsan A.Emam
Have you written a FindPin function? Is it included in the project? Can we see what you have written for this function? Perhaps there is something wrong with your inheritance model.
This probably is due to that you didn't implement the function 'FindPin'...
to make a simple test, just try to implement even an 'empty' one, e.g:
long CBaseRenderer::FindPin(...) //just write your arguments...{return 0;}

If this function is pure virtual, then you'll have to implement it in the drived class before you can use it...

[Edited by - yehdev_cc on February 20, 2008 9:50:46 PM]
D:...You are a Muslim, and you don't understand our freedom...M:And you are a Western who doesn't know Muhammad ...
the function is already implemented in one of the Direct Show base classes, the file name if renbase.CPP and the function declaration is:

STDMETHODIMP CBaseRenderer::FindPin(LPCWSTR Id, IPin **ppPin)

if (0==lstrcmpW(Id,L"In")) {
*ppPin = GetPin(0);
} else {
*ppPin = NULL;
return NOERROR;

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