Frustum problems

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0 comments, last by polymorphed 16 years, 1 month ago
Hello everyone, In my game I am using some simple frustum culling. It is calculating, basing on combined matrix (PROJECTION X MODELVIEW). Culling is working right for me only for a NEAR plane. If I am trying to cull LEFT and RIGHT planes, too much culling is taking place. And also, NEAR plane culling is working in an inverse way. I mean, that it should be: if ( plane_point_dist(point) < - sphere_radius) cull; But for me is working: if ( plane_point_dist(point) > sphere_radius) cull; Why could this be? Thank you in advance, Ilya.
I think you need to provide some more information if someone is going to be able to help you. (some relevent source code snippets).

There are other methods for calculating the view frustum that does not involve using OpenGL's modelview and projection matrices though:

This method works great for me

I hope this helps.
while (tired) DrinkCoffee();

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