Strange Issue With DirectShow after my Direct3D application runs

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2 comments, last by jinashi 16 years, 1 month ago
I have been developing a small app with Direct3D and WTL. However, after I run it and then I use a program that uses DirectShow the video gets corrupted (looks like a bunch of flashing green). This happens to any software using DirectShow. My software is only initializing and clearing the screen, nothing fancy. I'm pretty sure I'm cleaning things up, but even if I'm not it's weird that it would cause DirectShow (which is not used at all) to have problems. Rebooting fixes the issue until I run my app again. Any ideas?
The D3D debug runtimes clear the backbuffer to green or magenta (on alternate frames) so you can see if you're doing things wrong (If you have the swap effect set to DISCARD then the driver doesn't guarantee that the backbuffer is valid after Present()). Sounds like this is getting carried over to the DirectShow app somehow...
Hmm I don't think that's it. I've seen the debugging green and magenta alternate frames before. My app works, it just clears the screen to blue, no green and magenta.
In the DirectShow app it's not the debugging green and magenta flashing, but more like random noise that's mostly green. Each frame is not solid but a bunch of random patches of green and black and some other specs of other colors. Something seems to be getting corrupted and I was just wondering if anyone else has seen this before and knows how to fix it.
Sorry to double post. I just found that it also affects my other Direct3D app I wrote in MDX that works perfectly fine normally. It seems that nothing is getting sent to video memory.

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