c++ math expression parser

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6 comments, last by SiCrane 16 years, 1 month ago
Hi, In my particle engine, I want to be able to use math functions to modify the path of particles over time. My particles are scripted in xml, so I need to find a way to included this function in the xml file. Therefore a math expression parser is required, converting a string into a c++ function that can be called by the update loop of the particle engine. Does anyone know of a relatively simple mathematical expression parser library? Thanks Simon
If you want behaviour and not just data, I would use a scripting language over something like XML. Lua is a great language for this kind of thing, it can be easily embedded and is very small.
It should be easy enough to write using boost::spirit.
OK, I dug this out of my archive of cool code I've found on the net that might be useful in the future. I've used it in a physics demo before, it's stable and fast. Essentially, if I remember correctly, you construct the class with a string, and it compiles your string into actual machine code and the class's Evaluate function just calls the function pointer of your new function.

Use at your own risk, I haven't used this in years :-)

//=============================================================================//// Expression.cpp//// Copyright (c) 2002 Max McGuire//// Created by Max McGuire (mmcguire@ironlore.com)////=============================================================================#include "Expression.h"#include <ctype.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>#include <stack>#include <string>#include <strstream>#include <map>Expression::Token::Token(){}Expression::Token::Token(float _value)    : type(typeValue), value(_value){}Expression::Token::Token(Function _function)    : type(typeFunction), function(_function) {}Expression::Token::Token(UserFunction _userFunction)    : type(typeUserFunction), userFunction(_userFunction) {}Expression::Token::Token(int _variableIndex)    : type(typeVariable), variableIndex(_variableIndex){}Expression::Expression()    : compiledCode(NULL){}bool Expression::Initialize(const char* expression, const char* variableName[], int numVariables,                            UserFunction function[], const char* functionName[], int numFunctions){       std::vector<Token> postfixTokens;    if (!Parse(expression, postfixTokens, variableName, numVariables, function, functionName, numFunctions))    {        return false;        }    if (!Compile(postfixTokens))    {        return false;        }    return true;}bool Expression::Parse(const char* infix, std::vector<Token>& postfixTokens, const char* variableName[], int numVariables, UserFunction function[], const char* functionName[], int numFunctions){    typedef std::map<std::string, int> VariableIndexMap;       typedef std::map<std::string, int> FunctionIndexMap;       VariableIndexMap variableIndexMap;    FunctionIndexMap functionIndexMap;    int i;        for (i = 0; i < numVariables; ++i)    {        variableIndexMap.insert(VariableIndexMap::value_type(variableName, i));        }        for (i = 0; i < numFunctions; ++i)    {        functionIndexMap.insert(FunctionIndexMap::value_type(functionName, i));        }    // Modified from source code by Rex Jaeshke available at    // http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone3/cat414/16136.htm    std::stack<Token> stack;    // Flag to keep track of whether or not the parser is ready for a unary    // operator to occur in the token stream. This happens after a number    // or a '(' or on the first token.    bool readyForUnaryOperator = true;    // Push a '(' on the stack. This sentinel allows us to detect when we	// flush out the stack on completion.        stack.push(Token::functionLParen);    while (*infix != '\0')    {        if (isspace(*infix))        {            // Ignore white space.    		++infix;        }        else if (*infix == '.' || isdigit(*infix))        {            // Parse a real number.            float result = 0;            while (isdigit(*infix))            {                result = result * 10 + (*infix) - '0';                ++infix;            }            if (*infix == '.')            {                ++infix;                float multiplier = 0.1f;                do                {                    result += ((*infix) - '0') * multiplier;                    multiplier *= 0.1f;                     ++infix;                }                while (isdigit(*infix));                            }            postfixTokens.push_back(Token(result));            readyForUnaryOperator = false;        }        else if (isalpha(*infix))        {            int length = 0;            // Parse an identifier.            while (isalpha(infix[length]) || isdigit(infix[length]) || infix[length] == '_')            {                ++length;            }            // Pop the operators of higher precedence (this is the special            // case where there aren't any)            readyForUnaryOperator = true;                        if (length == 3 && strncmp(infix, "abs", length) == 0)            {                stack.push(Token::functionAbs);            }            else if (length == 3 && strncmp(infix, "sin", length) == 0)            {                stack.push(Token::functionSin);            }            else if (length == 3 && strncmp(infix, "cos", length) == 0)            {                stack.push(Token::functionCos);            }            else if (length == 4 && strncmp(infix, "sqrt", length) == 0)            {                stack.push(Token::functionSqrt);            }            else if (length == 2 && strncmp(infix, "pi", length) == 0)            {                stack.push(Token::functionPi);                readyForUnaryOperator = false;            }            else            {                std::string name(infix, infix + length);                // Check if the token is a variable.                VariableIndexMap::const_iterator iterator                    = variableIndexMap.find(name);                if (iterator == variableIndexMap.end())                {                    // Check if the token is a function.                    FunctionIndexMap::const_iterator iterator                        = functionIndexMap.find(name);                    if (iterator == functionIndexMap.end())                    {                        return false;                    }                    stack.push(Token(function[iterator->second]));                    readyForUnaryOperator = false;                }                else                {                    postfixTokens.push_back(Token(iterator->second));                    readyForUnaryOperator = false;                }                        }            infix += length;        }		else if (*infix == '(')        {            // Push any '(' on the stack. These sentinels allows us to detect            // when have flushed out the stack when handling ')' and operators.		            stack.push(Token::functionLParen);            readyForUnaryOperator = true;    		++infix;                }		else if (*infix == ')')        {            // Have a ')' so pop off the stack and put into postfix list until a            // '(' is popped. Discard the '('.			            while (stack.top().type != Token::typeFunction ||                   stack.top().function != Token::functionLParen)            {                postfixTokens.push_back(stack.top());                stack.pop();            }            stack.pop();                        readyForUnaryOperator = false;    		++infix;		}		else if (*infix == '*' || *infix == '/')        {                        // Have a '*' or '/'. Pop off any operators of equal or higher            // precedence and put them into postfix list. If a '(' or lower            // precedence operator (such as '+' or '-') is popped, put it back and            // stop looking. Push new '*' or '/'.			            while (stack.top().type != Token::typeFunction ||                  (stack.top().function != Token::functionLParen &&                   stack.top().function != Token::functionAdd    &&                   stack.top().function != Token::functionSub))                        {                postfixTokens.push_back(Token(stack.top()));                stack.pop();            }                if (*infix == '*')            {                stack.push(Token::functionMul);            }            else            {                stack.push(Token::functionDiv);            }                        readyForUnaryOperator = true;    		++infix;		}		else if (*infix == '+' || *infix == '-')        {            if (readyForUnaryOperator)            {                // Pop the operators of higher precedence (this is the special                // case where there aren't any)                if (*infix == '-')                {                    stack.push(Token::functionUnarySub);                }                            }            else            {                // Have a '+' or '-'. Pop off any operators of equal or higher                // precedence (that includes all of them) and put them into                // postfix list. If a '(' is popped, put it back and stop looking.                // Push new '+' or '-'.                while (stack.top().type != Token::typeFunction ||                       stack.top().function != Token::functionLParen)                {                    postfixTokens.push_back(stack.top());                    stack.pop();                }                if (*infix == '+')                {                    stack.push(Token::functionAdd);                }                else                {                    stack.push(Token::functionSub);                }                        }                        readyForUnaryOperator = true;    		++infix;		}		else        {			return false;		}	    }    // Have processed all input characters. New flush stack until we find	// the '(' originally pushed onto the stack.        while (stack.top().type != Token::typeFunction ||           stack.top().function != Token::functionLParen)    {        postfixTokens.push_back(Token(stack.top()));        stack.pop();    }    return true;}bool Expression::Compile(const std::vector<Token>& postfixTokens){    const unsigned char byteCodeTable[][2] =        {            { 0xde, 0xc1 },   // faddp   st(0), st(1)            { 0xde, 0xe9 },   // fsubrp  st(0), st(1)             { 0xde, 0xc9 },   // fmulp   st(0), st(1)            { 0xde, 0xf9 },   // fdivrp  st(0), st(1)            { 0xd9, 0xe0 },   // fchs            { 0xd9, 0xe1 },   // fabs            { 0xd9, 0xfe },   // fsin            { 0xd9, 0xff },   // fcos            { 0xd9, 0xfa },   // fsqrt            { 0xd9, 0xeb },   // fldpi               };        std::strstream buffer;    // Output the initialization code.        // push ebp        buffer.put(0x55);    // mov ebp, esp    buffer.put(0x8b);    buffer.put(0xec);    // sub esp, 4        buffer.put(0x83);    buffer.put(0xec);    buffer.put(0x04);	     // Tracks the amount of the floating point stack which is currently used.    const int maxStackSize = 8;    int usedStackSize = 0;    // Compile and output the code.    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < postfixTokens.size(); ++i)    {        if (postfixTokens.type == Token::typeValue)        {            if (usedStackSize == maxStackSize)            {                return false;            }            // Move the value into a temporary storage variable and then            // load it onto the floating point stack.            // mov DWORD PTR [ebp - 4], value            buffer.put(0xc7);            buffer.put(0x45);             buffer.put(0xfc);             buffer.put(((char*)(&postfixTokens.value))[0]);            buffer.put(((char*)(&postfixTokens.value))[1]);            buffer.put(((char*)(&postfixTokens.value))[2]);            buffer.put(((char*)(&postfixTokens.value))[3]);            // fld DWORD PTR [ebp - 4]                        buffer.put(0xd9);            buffer.put(0x45);            buffer.put(0xfc);            ++usedStackSize;        }        else if (postfixTokens.type == Token::typeVariable)        {            if (usedStackSize == maxStackSize)            {                return false;            }                        // fld DWORD PTR [esi + variableIndex * 4]                        buffer.put(0xd9);            buffer.put(0x46);            buffer.put(postfixTokens.variableIndex * 4);            ++usedStackSize;        }        else if (postfixTokens.type == Token::typeUserFunction)        {                        // Make a function call to a user function.            // push ecx            buffer.put(0x51);            // fstp	DWORD PTR [esp]            buffer.put(0xd9);            buffer.put(0x1c);            buffer.put(0x24);            // mov eax, postfixTokens.userFunction            buffer.put(0xb8);            buffer.put(((char*)(&postfixTokens.userFunction))[0]);            buffer.put(((char*)(&postfixTokens.userFunction))[1]);            buffer.put(((char*)(&postfixTokens.userFunction))[2]);            buffer.put(((char*)(&postfixTokens.userFunction))[3]);            // call eax            buffer.put(0xff);            buffer.put(0xd0);            // add esp, 4                        buffer.put(0x83);            buffer.put(0xc4);            buffer.put(0x04);                }        else if (postfixTokens.type == Token::typeFunction)        {            switch (postfixTokens.function)            {                        case Token::functionAdd:            case Token::functionSub:            case Token::functionMul:            case Token::functionDiv:                                if (usedStackSize < 2)                {                    return false;                }                                --usedStackSize;                break;                            case Token::functionUnarySub:            case Token::functionAbs:            case Token::functionSin:            case Token::functionCos:            case Token::functionSqrt:                if (usedStackSize < 1)                {                    return false;                }                break;            case Token::functionPi:                if (usedStackSize == maxStackSize)                {                    return false;                }                ++usedStackSize;                break;            }            buffer.put(byteCodeTable[postfixTokens.function][0]);            buffer.put(byteCodeTable[postfixTokens.function][1]);                }        }    // Output the return code.    // mov	 esp, ebp        buffer.put(0x8b);    buffer.put(0xe5);    // pop	 ebp    buffer.put(0x5d);        // ret            buffer.put(0xc3);    // Save the buffer for later execution.    compiledCode = buffer.str();    return true;}float Expression::Evaluate(const float variable[]) const{    if (compiledCode == NULL)    {        return 0;    }    const void* code = compiledCode;    __asm    {        push esi        mov  esi, variable        call code        pop  esi        jmp  end    };    return 0;end:    // Return value is set in the compiled code by storing the result on the    // floating point stack.    ;    }Expression::~Expression(){    free(compiledCode);}

//=============================================================================//// Expression.h//// Copyright (c) 2002 Max McGuire//// Created by Max McGuire (mmcguire@ironlore.com)////=============================================================================#ifndef EXPRESSION_H#define EXPRESSION_H#pragma warning (disable : 4786)#include <vector>#include <map>#include <string>/** * * Expression evaluating class. * * The class supports binary addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, * unary minus, parenthesis, abs(), sin(), cos(), sqrt(), pi and user supplied * C functions. * * The one caveat is that because of the way the compiler uses the processor's * floating point stack, expressions are limited in their complexity (otherwise * they will overflow the stack).  In practice this doesn't seem to be a problem * for the types of expressions you would normally want to use with this class. *  */class Expression{    public:    typedef float (__cdecl *UserFunction)(float);    /**     * Constructor.     */        Expression();    /**     *     * Initializes the class with an infix expression. The expression must be     * initialized before it can be evaluated.     *      * @param expression An infix expression.     * @param variableName An array of variable names which can appear in the     * expression.     * @param numVariables The number of elements in the variable array.     * @param function An array of C function pointers which are callable from     * the expression.     * @param function An array of user supplied functions which can be called     * from inside the expression.     * @param functionName An array of user supplied function names which can     * appear in the expression.     * @param numFunctions The number of elements in the function and     * functionName arrays.     *     * @return Returns true if the expression was initialized successfully     * or false if otherwise. Possible reasons for failure are syntax errors     * or floating point stack overflow.     *     */        bool Initialize(const char* expression, const char* variableName[], int numVariables,        UserFunction function[], const char* functionName[], int numFunctions);    /**     *     * Evaluates the expression with a set of variable substitutions and     * returns the result.     *     * @param variable An array of values to substitute for the variables the     * expression can contain. This array should have the same number of     * elements as the array passed into the Initialize() method.     *     */        float Evaluate(const float variable[]) const;    /**     * Destructor.     */        virtual ~Expression();private:    class Token    {    public:            enum Type        {            typeFunction,            typeValue,            typeVariable,            typeUserFunction,        };            enum Function        {                        functionAdd      = 0,            functionSub      = 1,            functionMul      = 2,            functionDiv      = 3,            functionUnarySub = 4,            functionAbs      = 5,            functionSin      = 6,            functionCos      = 7,            functionSqrt     = 8,            functionPi       = 9,                        // Only used during parsing.                        functionLParen,            functionRParen,                };        Token();        Token(float value);        Token(Function function);        Token(UserFunction userFunction);        Token(int variableIndex);    public:        Type type;        union        {            Function function;            UserFunction userFunction;            float value;                    int variableIndex;        };    };    /**     * Disallow copying.     */        Expression(const Expression& expression);    /**     * Disallow copying.     */        Expression& operator =(const Expression& expression);    /**     * Tokenizes an infix expression and converts it to postfix.     */    bool Parse(const char* expression, std::vector<Token>& postfixTokens, const char* variableName[], int numVariables,        UserFunction function[], const char* functionName[], int numFunctions);        /**     * Compiles a postfix expression.     */    bool Compile(const std::vector<Token>& postfixTokens);private:    /// The compiled expression code.    void* compiledCode;};#endif
Thanks for all the interesting answers so quickly.

I am looking to embed Python which I know well, but not time for the current project.

As for boost::spirit, it seems to lack cmath functions like sin(), cos(), etc.

Beandog, That example looks interesting.

There is a confusing function parameter in that class tho. What exactly is a:

const char * variableName[]

does this mean pointer to an array of arrays?


EDIT - I guess I mean, what is a usage example for this function? I can't get parameter 2 to compile!:

bool Expression::Initialize  	(  	const char *   	 expression,		const char *  	variableName[],		int  	numVariables,		UserFunction  	function[],		const char *  	functionName[],		int  	numFunctions	)

The docs say it is 'An array of variable names which can appear in the expression.'

	Expression e;	char x[] = "x";	char y[] = "y";	const char* vars[] = {x, y};	e.Initialize("y=x+1", vars, 2, NULL, NULL, 0 );

Thanks beandog. This is working well. Lovely and simple too! double A* extra rating.
Quote:Original post by sipicklesAs for boost::spirit, it seems to lack cmath functions like sin(), cos(), etc.

This is not a limitation of boost::spirit. You can certainly describe a grammar that includes those functions and get spirit to parse it, although it may not be trivial to do.
Keep in mind that code may not work on architectures with data execute protection.

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