receive buffer

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2 comments, last by hplus0603 16 years, 1 month ago
hi a common sockets principle is the receive buffer. Does a socket wrapper have one of these I cannot find it or does anyone know of a library which has one and the functions that allows you to pop information off and do run length? Example: POP3 C Read data on socket S +OK POP3 server ready C LIST S +OK 2 messages (320 octets) S 1 120 S 2 342 S . C RETR 1 S +OK 120 octets S datadatadata... S . because tcp can arrive fragmented, you would have to receive this into a buffer, and when it reaches the \r\n.\r\n you would pop off the buffer. when you send the RETR 1, you would pop off the first \r\n which would be +OK 120 octects. Then you would set the receive buffer to run length for 120 bytes and then continue. I wrote a receive buffer a long time ago that did this but I lost it and do not want to write it again because it took me like a week and is a lot of pointer arithmetic stuff. How can you do this with a library I cannot find one so far.
Etwork has a receive buffer built in that is reusable.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
hmm doesnt look like what im looking for doesnt have a feature that lets you pop off an item based on a delimeter.
It's just not that hard to write that kind of class. Something like the following:

class buffer : public std::vector<char> {  public:    int receive_from_socket(int socket, size_t max_size) {      size_t s = size();      resize(s + max_size);      int r = ::recv(socket, &(*this), max_size, 0);<br>      resize(s + (r &lt; 0) ? 0 : r);<br>      return r;<br>    }<br>    bool get_str_delimited(std::string &out, std::string const &delim) {<br>      if (size() == 0) return false;<br>      if (delim.length() == 0) return false;<br>      push_back(0);<br>      char *str = &(*this)[0];<br>      char *pos = strstr(str, delim.c_str());<br>      pop_back();<br>      if (pos == 0) return false;<br>      out = std::string(str, pos);<br>      erase(begin(), begin() + (pos - str) + delim.length());<br>      return true;<br>    }<br>};<br></pre><br><br>With the proper use of existing classes, a simple buffer is a matter of minutes, not days, to implement, and &#111;nly slightly more than that to test and verify.<br><br>Note: I haven't tested it, but it should be within inches of working.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

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