How do you control the scene view?

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0 comments, last by jouley 16 years, 1 month ago
Hi all, Pretty new to opengl, I am trying to model an earth ellipsoid and I have noticed if i zoom right in, the surface of the ellipsoid appears clipped, likewise when i zoom right out, it appears that the ellipsoid is being clipped by a rear plane? why is this? I am assuming that there is a near and far view setting for the scene? I think I may need to adjust this, where can I read up about the opengl view camera settings? Regards James
Yup, there are near and far planes in the view frustum that will clip the scene. You generally want the near plane to be as far as possible, and the far plane to be as near as possible. Depending on how you're currently setting up your projection, you can change these values. It's likely you're using either glFrustum or gluPerspective , with the parameters and information linked to.

Also, not that you are (since things seem to be rendering correctly), but never use 0.0f as your near plane.

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