matrix rotation using d3dxmatrix

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2 comments, last by Stowelly 16 years, 1 month ago
I am trying to rotate a model on its own axis. I am doing the following i.e. code but its not working currently. Its rotating but its also sort of translating. I think I need to get the translation out of the invWorldMatrix. Could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong

D3DXMATRIX matTransform, invMatTransform;
	device->GetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &matTransform);
	D3DXMatrixInverse(&invMatTransform, NULL, &matTransform);
	D3DXMATRIX NewRotation = m_Rotation * invMatTransform;

	m_Transform = NewRotation * m_Translation;

	device->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &m_Transform);

The more applications I write, more I find out how less I know
sorry if ive missed the point here, just a quick copy / paste from my code

D3DXMATRIX Total;	D3DXMATRIX RotX;	D3DXMATRIX RotY;	D3DXMATRIX RotZ;	D3DXMATRIX Pos;		D3DXMatrixIdentity(&Total);	D3DXMATRIX SC;	D3DXMatrixScaling(&SC, _cScale.x, _cScale.y, _cScale.z);	D3DXMatrixRotationX(&RotX,  _cRot.x);	D3DXMatrixRotationY(&RotY,  _cRot.y);	D3DXMatrixRotationZ(&RotZ,  _cRot.z);  	D3DXMatrixTranslation(&Pos,_cpos.x,_cpos.y,_cpos.z);	D3DXMatrixMultiply(&Total,&Total,&SC);	D3DXMatrixMultiply(&Total,&Total,&RotX);	D3DXMatrixMultiply(&Total,&Total,&RotY);	D3DXMatrixMultiply(&Total,&Total,&RotZ);	D3DXMatrixMultiply(&entityWorld,&Total,&Pos);

hope it is of some help
Quote:Original post by CRACK123
I am trying to rotate a model on its own axis. I am doing the following i.e. code but its not working currently. Its rotating but its also sort of translating. I think I need to get the translation out of the invWorldMatrix. Could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong

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This is the wrong way to go about it. It seems as though you're storing the position of your object as a world matrix, and then getting it back from DirectX when you need to modify it.

This is a bad idea. Not only is it slow, you're going to run into the problems you're experiencing now. The problem is that matrix multiplication is not commutative - that is: (a * b) != (b * a). That means that a translation, then a rotation, is not the same as a rotation then a translation. Rotation should be calculated before translation - and your current method isn't going to work since the matrix you get from GetTransform() is going to be translated.

The effect is that you're going to see some odd movements of your object, for example you're probably going to see it orbiting a point, or something like that.

The solution is to store your object position and rotation separately. In your object class somewhere, store a D3DXVECTOR3 for position, and a D3DXVECTOR3 for rotation (I'll use euler angles for now, since they're simplest).

If you want to move/rotate your cube, just update your D3DXVECTOR3's in your object. Then, each frame, recalculate your world matrix:
D3DXMATRIX rotationMatrix;D3DXMATRIX translationMatrix;D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRoll(&rotationMatrix, object.m_rot.y, object.m_rot.x, object.m_rot.z); // x is pitch, y is yaw, z is rollD3DXMatrixTranslation(&translationMatrix, object.m_pos.x, object.m_pos.y, object.m_pos.z);D3DXMATRIX worldMatrix = rotationMatrix * translationMatrix;device->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &worldMatrix);
Hope this helps.
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just the same as mine but with a much much better explanation ;P

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