[Question]No sound come out with DirectSound8

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-1 comments, last by felix1000 16 years, 1 month ago
I am creating a Test Program to test DirectSound8 in DirectX9, if success i will make it into my project. This program is successfully play sound with using sine format to generate the short[] buffer, therefore, now i try to read a wave file and play it now. The CWaveFile class is found in some website and he said it is copied out from DirectX example. because the class need BYTE[] to store data, so i change my buffer from short[] to BYTE[]. I called function to read data to buffer, fill buffer to DirectSound buffer without error. but, no sound come out from my speaker. I tried many way to try to find out error, I find out that the read function of CWaveFile return -2147221008 to me, so i try to printf the error in before fail return but nothing printed. and all DX debug function did not triggered... therefore, i really don't know how to solve the problem.... Please, help me T_T. thank you very much. I have made some changes in creating Buffer description to match the need to load wave file. DSBUFFERDESC setBufferDescription(){ DSBUFFERDESC dsbdesc; memset(&dsbdesc, 0, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC)); dsbdesc.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); dsbdesc.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_CTRLFREQUENCY | DSBCAPS_CTRLPAN | DSBCAPS_CTRLVOLUME | DSBCAPS_STATIC; //dsbdesc.dwBufferBytes = 44100 * 2; // it is because the buffer is short[44100*2] before dsbdesc.dwBufferBytes = wavefile->GetSize(); dsbdesc.lpwfxFormat = &waveformat return dsbdesc; } It is the related code i think in the main program: HRESULT fillSoundBuffer(){ LPVOID lpvWrite; DWORD dwLength; HRESULT hr = secondarybuffer->Lock(0, 0, &lpvWrite, &dwLength, NULL, NULL, DSBLOCK_ENTIREBUFFER); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ memcpy(lpvWrite, buffer, dwLength); hr = secondarybuffer->Unlock(lpvWrite,dwLength,NULL,NULL); } return hr; } bool openWaveFile(){ HRESULT hr; wavefile->Open((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)L"K:\\Project3\\CodeTesting\\drumloop.wav", &waveformat, WAVEFILE_READ); waveformat = *wavefile->GetFormat(); buffer = new BYTE[wavefile->GetSize()]; hr = wavefile->Read(buffer, wavefile->GetSize(), 0); return true; } It is the related code i think in class CWaveFile: HRESULT CWaveFile::Open( LPTSTR strFileName, WAVEFORMATEX* pwfx, DWORD dwFlags ) { HRESULT hr = 0; m_dwFlags = dwFlags; m_bIsReadingFromMemory = FALSE; if( m_dwFlags == WAVEFILE_READ ) { if( strFileName == NULL ) return E_INVALIDARG; SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( m_pwfx ); m_hmmio = mmioOpen( strFileName, NULL, MMIO_ALLOCBUF | MMIO_READ ); if( NULL == m_hmmio ) { HRSRC hResInfo; HGLOBAL hResData; DWORD dwSize; VOID* pvRes; // Loading it as a file failed, so try it as a resource if( NULL == ( hResInfo = FindResource( NULL, strFileName, TEXT("WAVE") ) ) ) { if( NULL == ( hResInfo = FindResource( NULL, strFileName, TEXT("WAV") ) ) ) return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("FindResource"), E_FAIL ); } if( NULL == ( hResData = LoadResource( NULL, hResInfo ) ) ) return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("LoadResource"), E_FAIL ); if( 0 == ( dwSize = SizeofResource( NULL, hResInfo ) ) ) return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("SizeofResource"), E_FAIL ); if( NULL == ( pvRes = LockResource( hResData ) ) ) //return 100000; return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("LockResource"), E_FAIL ); CHAR* pData = new CHAR[ dwSize ]; memcpy( pData, pvRes, dwSize ); MMIOINFO mmioInfo; ZeroMemory( &mmioInfo, sizeof(mmioInfo) ); mmioInfo.fccIOProc = FOURCC_MEM; mmioInfo.cchBuffer = dwSize; mmioInfo.pchBuffer = (CHAR*) pData; m_hmmio = mmioOpen( NULL, &mmioInfo, MMIO_ALLOCBUF | MMIO_READ ); } if( FAILED( hr = ReadMMIO() ) ) { // ReadMMIO will fail if its an not a wave file mmioClose( m_hmmio, 0 ); return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("ReadMMIO"), hr ); } if( FAILED( hr = ResetFile() ) ) return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("ResetFile"), hr ); // After the reset, the size of the wav file is m_ck.cksize so store it now m_dwSize = m_ck.cksize; } else { m_hmmio = mmioOpen( strFileName, NULL, MMIO_ALLOCBUF | MMIO_READWRITE | MMIO_CREATE ); if( NULL == m_hmmio ) return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("mmioOpen"), E_FAIL ); if( FAILED( hr = WriteMMIO( pwfx ) ) ) { mmioClose( m_hmmio, 0 ); return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("WriteMMIO"), hr ); } if( FAILED( hr = ResetFile() ) ) return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("ResetFile"), hr ); } return hr; } HRESULT CWaveFile::Read( BYTE* pBuffer, DWORD dwSizeToRead, DWORD* pdwSizeRead ) { if( m_bIsReadingFromMemory ) { if( m_pbDataCur == NULL ) printf("%s", CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED); return CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED; if( pdwSizeRead != NULL ) *pdwSizeRead = 0; if( (BYTE*)(m_pbDataCur + dwSizeToRead) > (BYTE*)(m_pbData + m_ulDataSize) ) { dwSizeToRead = m_ulDataSize - (DWORD)(m_pbDataCur - m_pbData); } CopyMemory( pBuffer, m_pbDataCur, dwSizeToRead ); if( pdwSizeRead != NULL ) *pdwSizeRead = dwSizeToRead; return S_OK; } else { MMIOINFO mmioinfoIn; // current status of m_hmmio if( m_hmmio == NULL ) printf("%s", CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED); return CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED; if( pBuffer == NULL || pdwSizeRead == NULL ) printf("%s", E_INVALIDARG); return E_INVALIDARG; if( pdwSizeRead != NULL ) *pdwSizeRead = 0; if( 0 != mmioGetInfo( m_hmmio, &mmioinfoIn, 0 ) ) return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("mmioGetInfo"), E_FAIL ); UINT cbDataIn = dwSizeToRead; if( cbDataIn > m_ck.cksize ) cbDataIn = m_ck.cksize; m_ck.cksize -= cbDataIn; for( DWORD cT = 0; cT < cbDataIn; cT++ ) { // Copy the bytes from the io to the buffer. if( mmioinfoIn.pchNext == mmioinfoIn.pchEndRead ) { if( 0 != mmioAdvance( m_hmmio, &mmioinfoIn, MMIO_READ ) ) return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("mmioAdvance"), E_FAIL ); if( mmioinfoIn.pchNext == mmioinfoIn.pchEndRead ) return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("mmioinfoIn.pchNext"), E_FAIL ); } // Actual copy. *((BYTE*)pBuffer+cT) = *((BYTE*)mmioinfoIn.pchNext); mmioinfoIn.pchNext++; } if( 0 != mmioSetInfo( m_hmmio, &mmioinfoIn, 0 ) ) return DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX( TEXT("mmioSetInfo"), E_FAIL ); if( pdwSizeRead != NULL ) *pdwSizeRead = cbDataIn; return S_OK; } } DWORD CWaveFile::GetSize() { return m_dwSize; } The main program is so long(many printf@@), so i don't paste all here some function is not pasted here those are no change from my success build using sine generated data to play: if (::createSoundObject() != DS_OK){ ... } ... if (!openWaveFile()){ ... } bufferdesc = setBufferDescription(); ... if ((hr = createSecondarySoundBuffer()) != DS_OK){ ... } if ((hr = ::fillSoundBuffer()) != DS_OK){ ... } secondarybuffer->SetCurrentPosition(0); secondarybuffer->Play(0,0,DSBPLAY_LOOPING); [Edited by - felix1000 on March 23, 2008 1:29:09 PM]

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