What is going on with this code? (glut)

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0 comments, last by The Orange Peanut 16 years ago
I'm trying to debug and make sure I correct values, and I'm doing it with regular print statements. However, depending on whether or not I have a print statement, my other print statements won't actually print until the program has stopped. Take a look at this relevant section of code

void mouse(int button, int state, int x, int y)





      if(state == GLUT_DOWN) 


        if(current_pt == true)
           lines[current_line].p1.x = x;
           lines[current_line].p1.y = screenHeight - y;
           current_pt = false;
        else if(current_pt == false)
            lines[current_line].p2.x = x;
            lines[current_line].p2.y = screenHeight - y;
            current_pt = true;

            slope = (lines[0].p2.y - lines[0].p1.y)/(lines[0].p2.x - lines[0].p1.x);

            cout << "I messed up somewhere." << endl;
        cout << slope;
        cout << "(" << lines[0].p1.x << ", " << lines[0].p1.y << ") to (" 
        << lines[0].p2.x << ", " << lines[0].p2.y << ")" << endl;  //debugging







      if(state == GLUT_DOWN) 











Near the end of the case block, see the cout << slope; followed by a two-line cout statement? If I comment out the two-line cout statement, slope won't print until I exit the program. Slope is a global variable that is initialized to 999, so if I click on my screen, say, 3 times, after I terminate the program the output will THEN show-up as 999999999. If I leave the function as it is (with the cout statement NOT commented out), it works. What could be the problem? Also, I have another program where I do the same thing, and it's similar block works perfectly, which is why I'm perplexed as to why this isn't working. And I know the code is a mess... I'll fix the actual code after I can fix my debugging stuff (that's the whole point!) :) Thanks
Dat is off da hizzle fo shizzle dizzle
Nevermind. I rarely use C++ and I totally forgot that I had to flush buffer. Of course, when I changed my cout statements to include endl at the end, the buffer was getting flushed and my output was correct. Whoops.
Dat is off da hizzle fo shizzle dizzle

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