Clipping question

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-1 comments, last by Kuro 16 years ago
I have a progress bar in my game which is implemented as a 3D object. I need some way to clip the portion of the object that is rendered based on the current progress value. What would be a good way to do this? I have heard of "user clip planes" but wasn't sure if that was what I was looking for. One complication is that the progress bar is not a separate model- it is part of a mesh which contains other UI elements, and the whole thing is rendered in one draw call. I only want to clip the progress bar though. If it's necessary to break the progress bar into its own mesh though, that's OK. Currently I'm using a pixel shader to do the clipping, but it doesn't work with ps 1.1 so I'm looking for a better way that doesn't require shaders. Thanks Kuro

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