X86 Assembly [resolved]

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12 comments, last by Crazyfool 16 years ago
Hello all, I will be having a class that will entail x86 assembly code and I wanted to get a bit of a head start. I had a class that covered some but I am having difficulties getting it to work 'right'. For instance, according to: here, I should be able to access the array of characters via:

mov edx, [arrayOfLetters + 1]
in that example, I wanted to access the 2nd letter, but it doesnt matter what I put, it wont work correctly, or at least not so that I can tell. I then try displaying dl and it will give me a character completely wrong. I tested the display method via "mov dl, 'a'" and that displays fine, and I also verified that arrayOfLetters is indeed an array of characters exactly as I input it. Any help would be appreciated. [Edited by - Crazyfool on April 19, 2008 10:49:05 PM]
EDX is a 32-bit register, you're probably moving with a DWORD PTR instead of a BYTE PTR. Try

mov dl, byte ptr [arrayOfLetters + 1]

BYTE PTR is probably automatically assumed by your assembler so you might be able to skip that.
One thing that might help is examining assembly produced by a language you already know. For example, if you know C or C++ and use MSVC, you can get it to emit the assembly instructions for source code with the /FAs switch. If you use gcc, -S will have a similar result.
Quote:Original post by asp_
EDX is a 32-bit register, you're probably moving with a DWORD PTR instead of a BYTE PTR. Try

mov dl, byte ptr [arrayOfLetters + 1]

BYTE PTR is probably automatically assumed by your assembler so you might be able to skip that.

Tried that, doesn't work, and stores the value of -1 when the character should be 'O'
I realized I should post a bit more of what I am doing:

One of the older projects I did (and didnt do too well on) used a C-style string in which we had to access and do various stuff with. I can figure out or at least try to figure out what we have to do, but I am having a lot of trouble even accessing the array.

If the array is 'p', 'i', 'e' stored in arrayPie, I would like to be access the array.

I have tried:
mov dl, byte ptr[arrayPie]mov dl, arrayPie

and both have been unsuccessful. According to all the google pages Ive been to, that should access the first element of the array. Does it change anything if the code is in the function, or if I've pushed registers?
Which assembler are you using? Sometimes, instructions like mov are reversed, meaning mov a,b could actually mean mov b,a in another assembler...
You're...not doing it right. Nowhere in your code do you actually reference a memory address.

Stylistically, you should be using the SI register for the string's source index; that's what it's for. I only ever did 16-bit x86, so I don't know what it's called in 32-bit--probably ESI or something.

A bit of hideously over-commented code from a class I had which should demonstrate how to access a string (in this case, stored in "input"). It may be different in protected mode, but here goes:

mov ax,3f00h                ; read from file function sub bx, bx                  ; file handle 0 = keyboardmov dx,offset input         ; buffer for data read from keyboardmov cx, 102                 ; read up to 102 bytes (100 digits + \r\n)int 21h                     ; execute DOS function	mov si, offset input        ; get address of input buffer

"offset input" gets you the memory location of "input". And so, SI is at the head of the string. A particularity of DOS is that it'll store the \r\n at the end, so now we chop it:

add si, ax                  ; ax has number of bytes read from keyboardcmp ax, 2                   ; check whether a blank string was enteredje endprogram               ; bail if ax = 2sub si, 2                   ; adjust for 0d0ahmov byte [si], 0            ; replace 0d with 0 terminatormov si, offset input        ; reload si with input address

The above shows how to fiddle with the values; you simply MOV from the current SI position into a register. If I wanted to pull whatever's at the current string location into a register, it's just

mov dl, byte [si]

Does this make sense?

Quote:One thing that might help is examining assembly produced by a language you already know. For example, if you know C or C++ and use MSVC, you can get it to emit the assembly instructions for source code with the /FAs switch. If you use gcc, -S will have a similar result.
That generally doesn't help very much. Even with optimizations off, gcc at least tends to be extraordinarily cryptic.

Quote:Which assembler are you using? Sometimes, instructions like mov are reversed, meaning mov a,b could actually mean mov b,a in another assembler...
Er...no. Not on x86. Other things might be a bit different, but I'm almost certain that they don't arbitrarily reverse opcodes. (That wouldn't make any sense.)
I suspect your character array isn't initialized correctly. Can you include your code that does that?
Quote:Original post by Edward Ropple
Quote:Which assembler are you using? Sometimes, instructions like mov are reversed, meaning mov a,b could actually mean mov b,a in another assembler...
Er...no. Not on x86. Other things might be a bit different, but I'm almost certain that they don't arbitrarily reverse opcodes. (That wouldn't make any sense.)

X86 operands are backwards in AT&T syntax. At the machine code level, most of the GP instructions have a direction bit that controls the source/dest operands (it's usually the second-to-lowest bit in the one and two-byte opcodes). Some ModRM encodings are inconsistent, too.
Thank you for the responses:

The code for the past assignment is as:
char goCrazyBecauseThisIsSoHard( char arrayOfLetters[], int arraySize ){	char temp;	__asm{               //I am adding this bit:               push ecx               push edx               sub edx, edx               mov edx, [arrayOfLetters]               mov temp, dl               pop edx               pop ecx        }        return temp;}

If I put "mov edx, 'a'" then I will get 'a' correctly. Likewise, putting break points in the propgram to examine the variables will give me the arrayOfLetters[] to be the right values (in the current case, 'computer').

I tried looking over to see if I could see what was happening, but I had no luck.

You mention that I did not reference a memory address.. I am not sure exactly because this class was a bit of time ago. I am searching google but did not find anything too helpful except the link in my first post. Thank you for your time.

Edit: I am also unsure what you mean by offset input - I assume input is the name of your array/string, so in my case arrayOfLetters. Howver offset I am not so sure. The format you used gives me an error when I do mov esi, offset array

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