Glut change Xcord and Y cord

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5 comments, last by BionicBytes 16 years ago
Hey I would love some help, been stuck with this for a while. I spent 16h myself to solve the problem so dont think I havnt put heart into it. My grafics engine will get cords x and y (its 2d) and draw objekt there. Problem is I cant change the cords I set, I am sure I made some kind of error but cant find what. Hoping for you guys.. Code , some is in other modules but I will try to explain so I wont waste your time.

// These variables set the dimensions of the rectanglar region we wish to view.
const double Xmin = 0.0, Xmax = 1066.0;
const double Ymin = 0.0, Ymax = 600.0;
GLint littleMen_display_list;
float oldPosX=0, oldPosY=0, posX=0, posY=0;
int startGraficsEngine(int argc, char** argv) 
    	glutInit(&argc, argv);
        // The image is not animated so single buffering is OK. 
	glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH );
        // Window position (from top corner), and size (width and hieght)
        // Initialize OpenGL as we like it..
        startKeyboard(); //works as intended
        glutReshapeFunc( resizeWindow );

        // here is the setting of the idle function
        /* set clear color */
	glClearColor (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	/* set fill  color */
	glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
void glutExit()
void initRendering()
        glEnable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
       littleMen_display_list = createDL();
	// Uncomment out the first block of code below, and then the second block,
	//		to see how they affect line and point drawing.

	// The following commands should cause points and line to be drawn larger
	//	than a single pixel width.

	// The following commands should induce OpenGL to create round points and 
	//	antialias points and lines.  (This is implementation dependent unfortunately).
	glHint(GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST);	// Make round points, not square points
	glHint(GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST);		// Antialias the lines
void renderScene(void) 
   sleepTime.tv_sec = 0;              //set to 0
   sleepTime.tv_nsec = 33000000;      //set how much time that is minimum for loop to take
   clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID  , &startTime); 

   glTranslatef(returnPos(1), returnPos(2), 0.0);

    glTranslatef(returnPos(1)+20, returnPos(2), 0.0);

    glTranslatef(555, 555, 0.0);

  clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID , &endTime);
  someTime.tv_sec = endTime.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec;
  someTime.tv_nsec = endTime.tv_nsec - startTime.tv_nsec;
  sleepTime.tv_sec -= someTime.tv_sec;
  sleepTime.tv_nsec -= someTime.tv_nsec;
  nanosleep(&sleepTime, NULL);

void resizeWindow(int w, int h)
	double scale, center;
	double windowXmin, windowXmax, windowYmin, windowYmax;

	// Define the portion of the window used for OpenGL rendering.
	glViewport( 0, 0, w, h );	// View port uses whole window

	// Set up the projection view matrix: orthographic projection
	// Determine the min and max values for x and y that should appear in the window.
	// The complication is that the aspect ratio of the window may not match the
	//		aspect ratio of the scene we want to view.
	w = (w==0) ? 1 : w;
	h = (h==0) ? 1 : h;
	if ( (Xmax-Xmin)/w < (Ymax-Ymin)/h ) {
		scale = ((Ymax-Ymin)/h)/((Xmax-Xmin)/w);
		center = (Xmax+Xmin)/2;
		windowXmin = center - (center-Xmin)*scale;
		windowXmax = center + (Xmax-center)*scale;
		windowYmin = Ymin;
		windowYmax = Ymax;
	else {
		scale = ((Xmax-Xmin)/w)/((Ymax-Ymin)/h);
		center = (Ymax+Ymin)/2;
		windowYmin = center - (center-Ymin)*scale;
		windowYmax = center + (Ymax-center)*scale;
		windowXmin = Xmin;
		windowXmax = Xmax;
	// Now that we know the max & min values for x & y that should be visible in the window,
	//		we set up the orthographic projection.
	glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
	glOrtho( windowXmin, windowXmax, windowYmin, windowYmax, -1, 1 );

GLuint createDL()
	GLuint littleManDL;
	// Create the id for the list
	littleManDL = glGenLists(1);
	// start list
	// call the function that contains 
	// the rendering commands
	// endList
void changePos(float f_posx, float f_posy)//funktion keybord presses uses
    posX =f_posx;
    posY = f_posx;
 //   posX = oldPosX - f_posx;
 //   posY = oldPosY - f_posy;
 //   oldPosX = posX;
 //   oldPosY = posY;
    return ;
int returnPos(int val)// use it to change pos to draw men at.. works but no differnce..
    int x=0, y=0;
    x = posX - x ;
    y = posY - y;
     return x;}
        return y;}
    return 0;
void drawLittleMan() { //my patetented man withouth his head ^^
    //Sets startingpoint of little man
    float posX=0.0, posY=0.0;

    //Set leglenght of little man
    float leftLeg=8.0, rightLeg=8.0;
    //Set Bodylenght of little man
    float bodyLeangth=8.0;
    float neckLeanght=4.0;
    float headSize=4.0;
    //Set armlenght of little man
    float armLeft=8.0, armRight=8.0;

        // Set drawing color 
        glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
         //Draws little man
        glBegin(  GL_LINES );
        glVertex2f( posX             ,    posY );
        glVertex2f( posX-leftLeg     ,    posY-leftLeg );

        glVertex2f( posX             ,    posY );
        glVertex2f( posX+rightLeg    ,    posY-rightLeg );

        glVertex2f( posX             ,    posY);
        glVertex2f( posX             ,    posY+bodyLeangth );

        glVertex2f( posX             ,    posY+bodyLeangth );
        glVertex2f( posX-armLeft     ,    posY+bodyLeangth );

        glVertex2f( posX             ,    posY+bodyLeangth );
        glVertex2f( posX+armRight    ,    posY+bodyLeangth );

        glVertex2f( posX             ,    posY+bodyLeangth );
        glVertex2f( posX             ,    posY+bodyLeangth+neckLeanght );

        glVertex2f( posX             ,    posY+bodyLeangth+neckLeanght );
        glVertex2f( posX-headSize    ,    posY+bodyLeangth+neckLeanght );

        return ;


Thanx first edit source tags, second want to tell you I think its a problem with double buffert or idlefunk thats a part of glut. I dont know though. I dont have any compilation problems and work in linux. [Edited by - JustusAa on April 23, 2008 7:04:46 AM]
The code is a bit hard to read - TIP: use the
 tag.Anyway two areas that might the cause of your issue:This routine:int returnPos(int val)// use it to change pos to draw men at.. works but no differnce..{int x=0, y=0;x = posX - x ;  // ARE YOU SURE MEAN THIS - ITS WAYS GOING TO SUBTRACT 0y = posY - y;if(val==1){printf("X\n");return x;}if(val==2){printf("Y\n");return y;}elsereturn 0;}

Will always do nothing of any use. Local variables x and y are always going to be posX and posY.

More worrying is this line in the render loop

//Sets startingpoint of little man
float posX=0.0, posY=0.0;

Here you hiding your globals vars with local vars. I suggest you don't do this.
remove the float declaration from the above line and see if this helps.

I am sorry i just edited the text with code snippets so it looks nicer.
Forgot to say that void drawLittleMan() is in a completely different module called drawThings with .c and .h.
The posX and posY starts at 0,0 but I call changePos() when an button is pressed and sends new positions 300,300 for ex. the happenings is in another module for keyboardpresses that I didnt add but looks like this:

void keyboardFunc( unsigned char key, int x, int y ){	switch ( key ) {	case 'w':                posy=400.0;                posx=400.0;                changePos(posx, posy);		break;

left out end of it as I can test it and it works..

That changes posX and posY, then I return it, the kode snippet you complain abouth is more of testing in progress.

In short I can set the littleman anywhere on screen to start but not move him once I did. I can change posX and posY how much I want then with no change of the little men on screen. Two of them are supposed to move ^^

[Edited by - JustusAa on April 23, 2008 7:12:11 AM]
In your startup code instead of:

glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH );



Since, I bet every new project you will use the lines you have here. Anyway this wont solve the issue.

What happens if you try and simple put a specific set of transalate commands in before you call drawLittleGreenMen in the renderloop. Just want to check that you get expected values for that specific debug case.

Once your satisfied with the result when revert back to the use of your global vars. In your render loop - you still declare local vars by the same name. This is bad practice - remove or rename.
Added GLUT_STENCIL (gonna read what it does now.. ;) )
Doesnt solve issue, abouth alfa channel I may add that later.

"What happens if you try and simple put a specific set of transalate commands in before you call drawLittleGreenMen in the renderloop."

I am atm drawing three little men at different positions, two very close to eatch other. This are the ones that should be possible to move by pressing keys.

glTranslatef(0.01, 0.01, 0.0);

before the first push matrix and the three men started to move slowly to the right and up aswell. I must press I dont care much if the move around every update, I want to set the objects at specific cords every update, information that I get from a server.

"Once your satisfied with the result when revert back to the use of your global vars. In your render loop - you still declare local vars by the same name. This is bad practice - remove or rename."
I presume u talking abouth drawLittleMan() thats is a member of drawItems.h so they dont share global variables. Sure can change the names for variables. Other code is graficsengineglut.c and .h to explain.

forget abouth
void changePos(float f_posx, float f_posy)
int returnPos(int val)
I will design another system to change posX and Y. If it works I will hit myself with a book.

[Edited by - JustusAa on April 23, 2008 8:55:51 AM]

I am sorry for taking up your time. Problem was this:
My keyboard reader was supposed to send a value:

case 'w':                posy=400.0;                posx=400.0;                printf("hej\n");                changePos(posx, posy);

for ex. 400 to my module that draw the objects. By the help of BionicBytes I got in the right direction with my debugging.
void changePos(float f_posx, float f_posy){    printf("%f %f\n", f_posx, f_posx);

printed 0.000 0.0000 all the time. So I found my error somewhere I didnt expect, guess it is sometimes like this when you are new to an api. Its strange though that changePos was run from the keyboard reader and no values was sent. Although thats a feature i dont need.
Software dev is always like this. I always try to create simple UnitTest() methods on new software modules so i have a degree of confidence before i move on to the next bit.

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