buffered raw input?

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12 comments, last by joe_bubamara 15 years, 11 months ago
Has anyone got buffered raw input to work? I don't have problemw with reading input with GetRawiInputData; but when using GetRawInputBuffer, it just doesn't work. Below is msdn example rewritten to both compile AND run: case WM_INPUT: //void __glwBufferedHandle(HRAWINPUT input) { unsigned int size = 0; PRAWINPUT raw; int status; status = GetRawInputBuffer(0,&size,sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)); //glwPrintLastError(L"GetRawInputBuffer: "); printf("status %d size %d\n",status,size); raw = (PRAWINPUT)malloc(sizeof(RAWINPUT)*16); size = sizeof(RAWINPUT)*16; if(!raw) puts("no buffer"); for (;;) { int nInput = GetRawInputBuffer(raw, &size, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)); printf("nInput = %d\n", nInput); if (nInput == -1){ puts("nInput == -1"); break; } if(nInput == 0) { puts("no input read"); break; } PRAWINPUT* paRawInput = (PRAWINPUT*)malloc(sizeof(PRAWINPUT) * nInput); if (paRawInput == NULL) { puts("NUL"); break; } PRAWINPUT pri = raw; for (UINT i = 0; i < nInput; ++i) { printf("found input %d\n", i); paRawInput = pri; pri = NEXTRAWINPUTBLOCK(pri); } DefRawInputProc(paRawInput, nInput, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)); free(paRawInput); } free(raw); } Observe this line: size = sizeof(RAWINPUT)*160; According to docs, calling: GetRawInputBuffer(0,&size,sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)); should give you size of required buffer. That never happends. It ALWAYS returns 0. So I have just alloced some big buffer to make it run. However no input is ever read? nInput should contain number of structures in buffer that are red, but it is always 0, or -1 sometime (but GetLastError repports no error :-)) Anyone with some suggestions? Is there anyone who has got buffered raw input to work? After a long sleeples night, I start to believe that this api is just a big buggy cirkus working only in some basic cases, or maybe it is me missing something important?
It looks like this contains some useful info.
Hi Gage, thnks, I missed that post (I have seen hundreds of other posts :-)).

Yeah it explains some things, and now that is probably explanation why directx creates separate thread for reading input.

Now according to this article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb206183(VS.85).aspx

(and some ppl on this forums), this is nonsense to do. But obivously there was reason why directx "just creates separate thread and starts to listen for input", as many repeates as mantra. If we want to support multiple devices and do thins in timely manner, what alternative do we have, at least acording to that post Gage pointed me to? We can do exactly like directx does, and create another thread or read everything one by one message? Or are there any other suggestions and experiences on how to make this work?

I have seen some posts on this forums where ppl are advising others to use rawinput and buffer reading, can they maybe explain how they do? I woul really be glad and thankfull for help.

I am trying to make my own input library with support for multiple mouse, keybds, gamepads/joystics and which will NOT require directx to be installed in order to work, so I am really eager to get this thing sorted out.

There's some code here that implements a simple buffered input scheme using only Win32 messages. It doesn't use multithreading or raw input (that code is supposed to be educational so it is simple and heavily commented). It only reads keyboard info but it should still give you the general idea.
thnks for reply and the link; I have looked through the link, and here is how I see that code.

Most important thing is it doesn't and CAN NOT handle input from multiple keyboards at all. That is main disatvantage of using standard window's messages, and that is reason why rawinput is invented (and directx but they thought more of several joysticks rather then keyboards or mouses).

Secondly it still processes one by one message, it just doesn't pass those to application, but saves them in internal buffer before it passes it to the app. Point with buffered rawinput is that number of windows messages should be minimized - I think, I am unsure here.

I believe it works like this: with GetRawInputData, there is one WM_INPUT message for every keypress, mouse move etc, while buffered method should peel out several of those messages at once, so total number of WM_INPUT messages will be reduced and thus total number of window proc runs should be as well reduced.

I at least believe that this is how it should work, but I might be wrong, I am not that experienced with win32, and rawinput docs are really bad and scarce.

Maybe that is reason why buffered method does not work in WM_INPUT message, as the post you pointed me to says. It should probably remove ALL wm_input messages from the geue, and application will not see WM_INPUT messages at all, so that is probably why directx uses another thread for processing. Once again, I am not sure of all this, I am just trying to reason about it and uderstand what is going on. I hope there is soemone with a bit more knowledge of win32 and raw input who can clear things up a bit?

As a side note, I don't that like packing/repacking of the input the example does, it wastes 3 times more space then unnecessary, but I understand that was not point with example ... :-)
Sorry, but maybe I should clear things up a bit. I am making my own little tiny library for handling input. It should be as small as possible, effective as possible and support multiple keyboards, mice and gamepads/joysticks (I will use it for making console like games, with several pads). It should work on mac/win/linux and for win platform one desire is to have it independent of directx so that platform is selfcontained (and portable) as much as possible.

I didn't consider this detail important for problem regarding buffered input, but maybe it explains why rawinput is important to me and why standard windows messages are out of question.
For reading from multiple mice then raw input is the way to go, it has been some time since I implemented this in a framework and you are correct the only word that can be used to describe the msdn docs is shit.(or maybe piss poor) There is a framework which is cross platform using raw input on windows for multiple mice devices, but for the life of me I can not remember the name of it at present. It may be in my bookmarks on the psp I will have a look and post back if I find the link.
You maybe mean this: http://www.mouse-party.com/index.shtml

what you think of is "mouse party" games or something like that. I have seen their framework and at least the code and example they give for free is not much more then what you can find on code project tutorials or elsewhere on the net about rawinput. Needles to say is they are using unbuffered method.

I can already use unbuffered method myself with any number of keyboards, mice or joysticks. Generally rawinput sucks when it comes to mouse in other aspects as well, but that belongs to some other post :-). Just as short mention: read this


and think about what happened once you need absolute coordinates. No it is not to just "simple track and add relative coordinates", as I have seen ppl saying in several posts on gamedev and elsewhere ... read article carefully. Or make demo and draw your custom cursor and compare with system cursor as I did.
No that was not what I was thinking of instead it is manymouse.
ohhohhh ... the wonder of search ... why didn't I ever used "many mouse" as search term :-).

Thnks for pointer, this is totally new library to me, I will check it out ASAP.


Nice little library, but they also use unbuffered method. thnks for the link, I maybe can use it on mac and linux instead of writing my own.

[Edited by - joe_bubamara on May 6, 2008 4:25:22 PM]

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