What is the best way to store X and Y coords

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25 comments, last by 3Dgonewild 15 years, 11 months ago
Shakedown the issue to begin with is how to acsess


the y_coord and x_coord so it would load into


I could never get it to work so I thought I was using the wrong data type.

Was I wrong thincking this?

If not how do I load y_coord to the y and the x_coord to the x?

Thanks for every ones replys it is helping me understand the problem better so I can find the answer or at least ask the better question.
I think you are confusing the indices of an array with the values stored in an array.

You may need to brush up on arrays: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/arrays.html

some_array[y_coord][x_coord] "points" to a specific value.

int main(){   int some_array[2][2];   some_array[0][0] = 5;   some_array[0][1] = 10;   some_array[1][0] = 20;   some_array[1][1] = 30;   cout << some_array[1][0];  // prints '20'}

You don't get the x and y value from those indices - you access the data stored at that position in the array with them.

Say you use the structure I illustrated above:

struct Coord{   int x;   int y;};int main(){   Coord pos[50];   // Object #0   pos[0].x = 5;   pos[0].y = 5;   // Object #1   pos[1].x = 10;   pos[1].y = 10;   // ... populate all of the positions however you wish ...      // Draw all your objects at their position   for ( int i = 0; i < 50; i++ )   {     draw( pos.x, pos.y );   }   return 0;}
Thanks CaspianB and Shakedown I took both your advice and came up with a way to store my x and y coords. next stop deleting the coords.

TO load the coordinatesfor(int i=0;i<8; i++)           {                for(int l =0;l <12;l++ )                   {                                                int y_coord = i * 30;                        int x_coord = l * 50;                      pos[l].x = x_coord;                      pos.y = y_coord  ;                                          }           }

Just for testing purposes

Reading the coordsfor(int i=0;i<8; i++)     {               for(int l = 0;l <12;l++ )              {                 cout<<pos.y<<" "<<pos[l].x<<endl;               }    }

while I tryd this to remove the coords that I didnt want

void remove_coord(int x, int y){      for(int i=0;i<8; i++)           {                for(int l =0;l <12;l++ )                   {                     int y_coord = i * 30;                        int x_coord = l * 50;                    if((x_coord == x) && (y_coord == y))                     {                            pos[l].x = 0;                            pos.y = 0;                        }                   }           }}

but it turns all elments that == x to 0 even if the elments dont == y
and vice versa

why would that be?
You still don't seem to understand how arrays or structures work and I would hazard a guess you don't quite grasp how nested loops work either.

I strongly suggest you go back and look into C++ array tutorials in addition to looking up a tutorial on C++ structures.

For starters, the whole purpose of using a structure (at least in this particular situation here) is to have one single dimension array of coordinates. You won't use nested loops.

You are trying to store the x and y values at completely separate indices (pos[l].x and pos.y). Ideally, you would have a single loop (not nested loops) and do something like I outlined in the post above:

for ( int i = 0; i < 50; i++ ){   pos.x = x_coord;   pos.y = y_coord;}

The point is to keep the x and y values together in the same array position.

I think, perhaps, you understand the basic concepts of arrays, but I'll try to make a short explanation anyway:

// Say you want 10 variables of an integer type, all the sameint num0;int num1;int num2;... // etcint num9;num0 = 5;num1 = 5;...num9 = 5;// Or you can just use arraysint num[10];for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){   num = 5;}

As I said, you may understand this concept. And I think you do. It's the mixing of structures in there that is throwing you off.

struct Coordinate{   int x;   int y;};int var;         // This makes a SINGLE variable of type 'integer'var = 5;var = 10;        // You can set it like thisCoordinate pos;  // This makes a SINGLE variable of type Coordinatepos.x = 10;      // Coordinate you defined above to hold two integers, x and ypos.y = 10;      // You set them like thisCoordinate posArray[10];  // This makes an ARRAY variable of type CoordinateposArray[0].x             // This accesses the array at position 0 for the x varposArray[0].y             // and accessing y

As I said, I very strongly suggest googling "C++ array tutorial" and "C++ structure tutorial" to get a stronger grip on these concepts.
Do you understand what exactly you're doing? Because it looks like you're misunderstanding quite a few things.

Let's look at the loading code:

// To load the coordinatesfor(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){	for(int l = 0; l < 12; l++)	{		int y_coord = i * 30;		int x_coord = l * 50;		pos[l].x = x_coord;		pos.y = y_coord;	}}

First of all, most of the time you're setting the coordinates of two different Coord structs! i is not the same as l, so pos[l] and pos do not refer to the same Coord instance. That's going to lead to quite some confusion later on (actually, it's already messing up your code). Just a note: avoid using i and l in the same scope, because they look too similar. It's easy to mess up with just a small type.
Second, you don't need the temporary x_coord and y_coord variabeles, because you can simply assign these values to pos.x and pos.y directly.

So, that piece of code would become:

for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){	pos.x = i * 30;	pos.y = i * 50;}

Now onto 'removing' coordinates. I assume you want to reset the Coord instances that have the given x and y values? In that case, the following code would do the trick:

void removeCoord(int x, int y){	for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)	{		if(pos.x == x && pos.y == y)		{			pos.x = 0;			pos.y = 0;		}	}}
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I dont hinck I stated the problem correctly thne.

heres what I need

x = 50 y = 30
x = 100 y = 30
x = 550 y = 30
x = 50 y = 60
x = 100 y = 60
x=550 y = 60
x = 50 y = 90


so the only way I can thinck of to have them corsponde like that is to use a nested loop for every y there needs to be 11 x's

like columes and rows

they are to repersent the x and y coords of the bricks for my game

there is 12 across and 8 down

so when I look for x = 550 and y = 60 and removes those two at the same time then the brick gets deleted

unless my logic is flawed some how. I tryed on for loop and could not get the above resultes when tested

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