dcstructure - Format

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2 comments, last by Thaumaturge 15 years, 11 months ago
Moin Leute, [english] Ok, now i realise that this forum's language is not german. Well, i am currently writing a study thesis about 3D-modeling and therefore trying to find some information about what is a dcstructure (or DC structure)? I was told to use this format to save my final models (each line in this data file represents a vertex or whole tetrahedron), but to write about it in my thesis, i wanna have some more background information. Anyone knows what DC stands for? Thanks. [german] Ich schreibe gerade an meiner Studienarbeit über ein C++&Coin3D-Projekt zur Erstellung eines Tetraedernetzes aus einem gegebenen Oberflächenmodell. Das Format, in welchem das Modell abgelegt werden soll, ist laut Vorgabe vom Typ "dcstructure" und enthält die üblichen Elemente Vertex und Tetraeder (Referenzen auf Vertices) zeilenweise untereinandergeschrieben. Da ich in der Studienarbeit ja gerne mal jedes Fremdwort erläutern soll, würd ich gerne nen bisschen mehr zu DC Structure im Netz lesen. Doch leider hab ich keine Ahnung was sich hinter DC verbirgt und nach DC zu googlen lässt einem weiterhin Raum für Spekulationen. Hat jemand ne Idee, für was DC steht? Danke und Grüßle
I've never heard of this, and google doesn't come up with much. Do you have a reference?
No. My tutor only gave me an example of the data file structure. The scheme is like this:

structure {
vertex v.x1 v.y1 v.z1
vertex v.x2 v.y2 v.z2
vertex v.x3 v.y3 v.z3
vertex v.x4 v.y4 v.z4
vertex v.x5 v.y5 v.z5

tetra 1 2 3 4
tetra 2 3 4 5

The file extension is ".dcstructure" .

Some searching on Wikipedia may have turned up something useful, although it may also be entirely off:

Take a look at this: Conway polyhedron notation.

Note particularly the notation given for the bottom-left item in the examples table, which would appear to be an octagon.

This is tempting, but doesn't seem to quite work - such a shape calls for one more vertex, it seems to me, presuming that the values after the word "tetra" are indeed vertex indices, and, while the two halves do each have four faces, they're not technically tetrahedra, at least as far as I understand the term. :/

[Edited by - Thaumaturge on May 7, 2008 2:38:04 PM]


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