D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx causes breakpoints on any IDirect3DDevice9 function

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12 comments, last by metalmidget 15 years, 11 months ago
The debug output is telling me "Direct3D9: (WARN) :HW device not available. GetAdapterCaps fails."
It says it 4 times throughout the my D3D initialisation, before reaching the device creation, which fails.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume your using DXUT as your framework. I do the same and as such used to get roughly the same series of messages as my engine started up. It's just DXUT enumerating Reference devices.

Sadly I'm not so sure why your having trouble finally starting a valid device.
I use November 2007 and that bug is present there too. Leaving it unchecked actually means its on :)
Ah, it might be November 2007, not March 2007...

There's one of the SDKs anyway. The correct use for it is basically enabling D3D completely. So it's fine the way you have it. I was referring to the "Use debug runtimes" or "use retail runtimes" option - which should be debug 99.9% of the time you're developing.
@DarkPsychosis: Nah, I'm not using DXUT.
It must just be because the checkbox is retarded. Either way, everything works now, and the debugging options are all on :)
Thanks again.


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