[java] Copying variables?

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7 comments, last by Stormtrooper 15 years, 11 months ago
It seems in Java, different than C++, it doesn't copy a variable, but makes a pointer. In the example below, 100(the y value) gets added to otherPointY1. I don't want to modify the y value, just get a copy of the value. The following code is to check collision, works perfectly in C++. How do I copy values in Java?

	public void checkCollision(List<Entity> objects) {
		ListIterator<Entity> itr = objects.listIterator();
		while(itr.hasNext()) {
			Entity entity = itr.next();
			Rectangle thisColBox = this.getCollisionBox();
			Rectangle otherColBox = entity.getCollisionBox();
			// Collision Boxes are reletive to the entitie's location
			thisColBox.x = thisColBox.x + this.location.x;
			thisColBox.y = thisColBox.y + this.location.y;
			otherColBox.x = otherColBox.x + entity.getX();
			otherColBox.y = otherColBox.y + entity.getY();
			// X Projection
			int thisPointX1 = thisColBox.x;
			int thisPointX2 = thisColBox.x + thisColBox.width;
			int otherPointX1 = otherColBox.x;
			int otherPointX2 = otherColBox.x + otherColBox.width;
			// Y Projection
			int thisPointY1 = thisColBox.y;
			int thisPointY2 = thisColBox.y + thisColBox.height;
			int otherPointY1 = otherColBox.y;
			int otherPointY2 = otherColBox.y + otherColBox.height;
			if(thisPointX1 > otherPointX2 ||
			    thisPointX2 < otherPointX1 ||
				thisPointY2 < otherPointY1 ||
				thisPointY1 > otherPointY2 ) {
				System.out.println("Not Collision!" + otherPointY1 + " - " + thisPointX1);
			} else {
				// We collided
				inCannon = true;
				//parent = entity;

It seems in Java, different than C++, it doesn't copy a variable, but makes a pointer.

True, but only for non-primitive types.

In the example below, 100(the y value) gets added to otherPointY1.

I don't see anywhere any addition to otherPointY1.

I don't want to modify the y value, just get a copy of the value.

If you're using primitive types, which you are (int), then using the assignment operator will return a copy of the y-value, not the y-value itself.

For example,

int x = 10;
int y = x;


System.out.println(x); // Prints 11
System.out.println(y); // Prints 10


If you're working with Rectangles in Java, you don't need to write an intersection method - the method intersects is defined for Rectangles.

All you need to do is this:

public void checkCollision(List<Entity> objects) {		ListIterator<Entity> itr = objects.listIterator();				while(itr.hasNext()) {			Entity entity = itr.next();										Rectangle thisColBox = this.getCollisionBox();			Rectangle otherColBox = entity.getCollisionBox();							if(thisColBox.intersects(otherColBox)){			// Collision                        }                        else                        // No collision                }}
Most classes have a clone() method.
Quote:Original post by Karan Bhangui
Most classes have a clone() method.

Correct, classes have a clone() method, but primitives do not (and he's working with primitives).
Oh sweet, thanks!
It is still adding the Y value to it self...

otherColBox.y = otherColBox.y + entity.getY();

I want to make a copy of the other collision box, then modify the local copy so that it is relative to the entity's location.

		while(itr.hasNext()) {			Entity entity = itr.next();										Rectangle thisColBox = this.getCollisionBox();			Rectangle otherColBox = entity.getCollisionBox();						thisColBox.x = thisColBox.x + this.location.x;			thisColBox.y = thisColBox.y + this.location.y;						otherColBox.x = otherColBox.x + entity.getX();			otherColBox.y = otherColBox.y + entity.getY();						if(thisColBox.intersects(otherColBox)) {				// We collided				System.out.println("Collision!");				inCannon = true;				//parent = entity;			}						System.out.println(otherColBox.y);						}
I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do, but if you just want to check if any 2 entities in your game have collided, then do this:

1) Give every entity a position (x, y) and an image with width and height
2) Define a method getBoundingBox() for each of these entities.
That method will look like this:
Rectange getBoundingBox(){ // Rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height); // (x, y) specify upper left corner of rectangle // width, height specify the width and height of the rectangle return new Rectangle(myPosition.x, myPosition.y, myImage.width, myImage.height);}

Then, iterate over all your Entities and grab their bounding box and compare with this.getBoundingBox(), like so:

public void checkCollision(List<Entity> objects) {		ListIterator<Entity> itr = objects.listIterator();				while(itr.hasNext()) {			Entity entity = itr.next();			Rectangle thisBox = this.getBoundingBox();			Rectangle otherBox = entity.getBoundingBox();			// Check for collision			if(thisBox.intersects(otherBox)){			// Collision			else {			// No collision			}		}

I want to make a copy of the other collision box

To make a copy of the other collision box, simply call the clone() method:

Rectangle copyOfOtherBox = otherBox.clone();

Now, changes made to copyOfOtherBox will not be applied to otherBox.

...then modify the local copy so that it is relative to the entity's location.

Now you have your copy - copyOfOtherBox - so do with it what you please. I'm guessing this step is where you're having some trouble, so decide how exactly you want to modify it relative to the entity's location and if you can't get it working make another reply showing exactly what you want to do.

	  // temporary rectangle  Rectangle curr = new Rectangle();  // our rectangle  Rectangle self = new Rectangle(getCollisionBox());  // offset it to absolute position  self.translate(location.x, location.y);  while(itr.hasNext()) {    Entity entity = itr.next();    // get entity relative position    curr.setBounds(entity.getCollisionBox());    // translate it into absolute coordinates    curr.translate(entity.getX(), entity.getY());    			    if(self.intersects(curr)) {      // We collided      System.out.println("Collision!");      inCannon = true;    }    System.out.println(otherColBox.y);}
Quote:Original post by Antheus
*** Source Snippet Removed ***

Great, that worked. What did it was creating = new Rectangle(...). Thanks.

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