ID3DXLine problem

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2 comments, last by sqwang 12 years, 3 months ago
i draw some line with ID3DXLine::DrawTransform(), found if the camera goes near the line, the line will not clip by system ! i have setup zn and zf, D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH((D3DXMATRIX*)&mViewProj, fov_y, aspect, zn, zf); then, used mViewProj and mWorldView to DrawTransform(). the line is allright, but if camera move, clip is wrong... somebody can tell me how to fix this problem , thanks a lot
ID3DXLine is bugged, i've had this problem myself, there is no known solution yet.
no answer?...
Do i have to use DrawPrimitive() to draw the line...and add some billboard effect???

i thought there is a way to solve this problem...somebody know that?
I got the same situation. Anyone can help. It has been 3 years.

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