Object Translation Problem

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6 comments, last by MJP 15 years, 11 months ago
Hi everyone. I have an 2 object in 0,0,0 and 25,0,0 coordinates but as you see in the picture http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/162/translationmj6.jpg first one is at right coordinates but second one is not at right coordinates it says 17 (by the way this is x coordinate of ball). D3DXMatrixTranslation(&matTranslate_Origin,0,0,0); D3DXMatrixTranslation(&matTranslate_Test,25,0,0); d3ddev->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD,&(matTranslate_Origin * matScale_Can)); d3ddev->SetTexture(0,Wood); meshCoke->DrawSubset(0); meshCoke->DrawSubset(1); d3ddev->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD,&(matTranslate_Test *matScale_Can)); d3ddev->SetTexture(0,Metal); meshCoke->DrawSubset(0); meshCoke->DrawSubset(1); How can i solve this problem?
First, which two objects are you talking about? I see 4 objects in that picture.

Second, what do you mean by "it says 17"? what says that?
i am talking about coke cans not the box or ball.
look at the left top side of the screen you will see a number it is x position of ball.
Do Scale * Translation, not the other way around. Otherwise you won't end up translating to the position you want (same with rotation).
Thanks for the solution.
But what is the logic in it?
Assume e.g. that the object's mesh has to vertices, one on the left and one on the right:
v1 = [ -1 0 0 ]
v2 = [ +1 0 0 ]
Scaling the mesh by a factor s yields in
v1' := [ -s 0 0 ]
v2' := [ +s 0 0 ]
Now translating the result (!) by [ t 0 0 ] yields in
v1" := [ -s+t 0 0 ]
v2" := [ +s+t 0 0 ]

Using the other order, the translation yields in
v1' := [ -1+t 0 0 ]
v2' := [ +1+t 0 0 ]
and the sub-sequent scaling yields in
v1" := [ -s+t*s 0 0 ]
v2" := [ +s+t*s 0 0 ]
what is obviously not the same as the result above.

The mathematical reason is that matrix multiplication isn't commutative:
M1 * M2 != M2 * M1

To have the lowest impact of a transformation onto the other, often the sequence scaling - rotation - translation is used. In D3D, where row vectors are used, the sequence would be computed by
matrix = scalingMatrix * rotationMatrix * translationMatrix

Rotation doesn't play a role in the OP's case, hence it can be replaced by the identity matrix. The simplified result is then
matrix = scalingMatrix * translationMatrix
Thanks a lot.
I missed that part :)
Transformations happen in the order you apply the multiplications of the matrices. This means when you do Scale * Translation, the vertices of the mesh are all scaled first and then translated. Usually this is the desired behavior, as it makes the mesh sized the way you want it but only moves it by the amount specified. For example say the mesh is centered about <0,0,0> in object space: you'd expect that if you translate by <10,0,0> the center of the mesh would end up at <10,0,0>. This happens if you scale first: scaling <0,0,0> by a factor of <2,2,2> gives you <0,0,0>, which means adding <10,0,0> results in a position of <10,0,0>. However if you translate first you get <10,0,0>, which when multiplied by the scale gets you <20,0,0> (which isn't what you wanted).

This is fairly basic material for 3D graphics, and is something you'll want to be familiar with before getting deep into using D3D. You may want to check out the SDK documentation on the subject or perhaps consult a book or some other learning reference.

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