Looking for help with programing game!

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1 comment, last by ID Merlin 15 years, 11 months ago
Hey i have an idea for a Web Based Game. I was looking at some PHP and had a query and that was how would would you save information on the server would that be PHP or SQL and also how would you call on that information for example: Say you where making a Web based RPG game where your individual character levels through the game and gains different skill points. How would you a) save in the server the character name, level and skill points and b) how would you call on that information in a situation where the character is in combat and needs the level and combat skills to make the equation used in combat.
PHP and MySql work really well together. You could use a MySql database to store all kinds of stuff. You could also use file I/O to utilize a "flat file" storage system if you prefer.

It would really depend on your game and what kind of data you were storing and using.
If you want your game to be more "hack-proof" you should do as much of the processing on the server-side as possible. It would be simple for a skilled programmer to monitor your game packets and duplicate those, without using your application at all. You shouldn't do the combat calculations on the client at all, or at least duplicate and/or check those on the server.

PHP and MySQL are a fairly good choice, but have some scalability problems.

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