Bink with DX9

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0 comments, last by Stowelly 15 years, 10 months ago
Hi just having a couple of problems integrating Bink with my engine trying to do a BinkCopyToBuffer straight into a DX texture of format A8R8G8B8 and the video is rendering at the wrong colour / surface format, now im pretty sure what i need is either BINKSURFACE32 or BINKSURFACE32A but when i choose these flags nothing is drawn, anyone know of any reason why this might be? D3DLOCKED_RECT texture_rect; hr = dx_texture->LockRect(0,&texture_rect,null,D3DLOCK_DISCARD); BinkCopyToBuffer(m_bink,texture_rect.pBits,texture_rect.Pitch,m_height,0,0, BINKCOPYALL); hr = dx_texture->UnlockRect( 0 ); its then drawn externally in my renderer as a IDirect3DTexture9 here's an e.g of what is drawn with the current flags I also had some problem with it not drawing anything without locking using D3DLOCK_DISCARD but im assuming this is normal many thanks
fixed now

i didnt realise bink didnt natively handle argb so just switch the texture format i was using to rgb

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