directinput questions

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13 comments, last by Xyphyx 15 years, 10 months ago
Ok, i decided to post all of my code here, maybe someone can give me more info. I haven't changed the input method to windows messages yet but i want to know before i even start it if it will work correctly and where to add stuff to do the windows messages. The wrapper classes that I'm using suck but its all i got for now, i don't wanna spend the time now to learn and create my own but probably should anyway.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// File: Connect4.h// Desc: declaration of the game class// Author: Chris Miller// Date: 6/12/08///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#ifndef __CONNECT4_H#define __CONNECT4_H#include "Global.h"class Connect4 : public D3DApp{public:	Connect4(HINSTANCE hInstance, std::string winCaption, D3DDEVTYPE devType, DWORD requestedVP);	~Connect4();	bool checkDeviceCaps();	void onLostDevice();	void onResetDevice();	void updateScene(float dt);	void drawScene();	// helper draw functions	void drawPieces();	void drawBackground();	// game functions	void humanMove();	void computerMove();	int opponent(int turn);	void announceWinner();	void winner();	// general helper function	int getTurn();private:	ID3DXSprite*		mSprite;		// application sprite	IDirect3DTexture9*	mTexture;		// game texture	D3DXVECTOR3			mBkgrdCntr;		// center of the background texture	RECT				mBkgrdRect;		// source rectangle for drawing background	D3DXVECTOR3			mBlackCntr;		// center of the black piece	RECT				mBlackRect;		// source rectangle for drawing black piece	D3DXVECTOR3			mRedCntr;		// center of the red piece	RECT				mRedRect;		// source rectangle for drawing red piece	int					mBoard[6][7];	// game board	static const int	NUM_ROWS = 6;	// number of rows	static const int	NUL_COLS = 7;	// number of columns	int					mPlayer;		// number that represents the player	int					mComputer;		// number to represent the computer	int					mTurn;			// current persons turn};#endif

//=============================================================================// d3dApp.h by Frank Luna (C) 2005 All Rights Reserved.//// Contains the base Direct3D application class which provides the// framework interface for the sample applications.  Clients are to derive // from D3DApp, override the framework methods, and instantiate only a single// instance of the derived D3DApp class.  At the same time, the client should// set the global application  pointer (gd3dApp) to point to the one and only// instance, e.g., gd3dApp = new HelloD3DApp(hInstance);// //=============================================================================#ifndef D3DAPP_H#define D3DAPP_H#include "d3dUtil.h"#include <string>class D3DApp{public:	D3DApp(HINSTANCE hInstance, std::string winCaption, D3DDEVTYPE devType, DWORD requestedVP);	virtual ~D3DApp();	HINSTANCE getAppInst();	HWND      getMainWnd();	// Framework methods.  Derived client class overrides these methods to 	// implement specific application requirements.	virtual bool checkDeviceCaps()     { return true; }	virtual void onLostDevice()        {}	virtual void onResetDevice()       {}	virtual void updateScene(float dt) {}	virtual void drawScene()           {}	// Override these methods only if you do not like the default window creation,	// direct3D device creation, window procedure, or message loop.  In general,	// for the sample programs of this book, we will not need to modify these.	virtual void initMainWindow();	virtual void initDirect3D();	virtual int run();	virtual LRESULT msgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);	void enableFullScreenMode(bool enable);	bool isDeviceLost();protected:	// Derived client class can modify these data members in the constructor to 	// customize the application.  	std::string mMainWndCaption;	D3DDEVTYPE  mDevType;	DWORD       mRequestedVP;		// Application, Windows, and Direct3D data members.	HINSTANCE             mhAppInst;	HWND                  mhMainWnd;	IDirect3D9*           md3dObject;	bool                  mAppPaused;	D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS md3dPP;};// Globals for convenient access.extern D3DApp* gd3dApp;extern IDirect3DDevice9* gd3dDevice;#endif // D3DAPP_H

//=============================================================================// d3dUtil.h by Frank Luna (C) 2005 All Rights Reserved.//// Contains various utility code for DirectX applications, such as, clean up// and debugging code.//=============================================================================#ifndef D3DUTIL_H#define D3DUTIL_H// Enable extra D3D debugging in debug builds if using the debug DirectX runtime.  // This makes D3D objects work well in the debugger watch window, but slows down // performance slightly.#if defined(DEBUG) | defined(_DEBUG)#ifndef D3D_DEBUG_INFO#define D3D_DEBUG_INFO#endif#endif#include <d3d9.h>#include <d3dx9.h>#include <dxerr9.h>#include <string>#include <sstream>//===============================================================// Globals for convenient access.class D3DApp;extern D3DApp* gd3dApp;extern IDirect3DDevice9* gd3dDevice;//===============================================================// Clean up#define ReleaseCOM(x) { if(x){ x->Release();x = 0; } }//===============================================================// Debug#if defined(DEBUG) | defined(_DEBUG)	#ifndef HR	#define HR(x)                                      	{                                                  		HRESULT hr = x;                                		if(FAILED(hr))                                 		{                                              			DXTrace(__FILE__, __LINE__, hr, #x, TRUE); 		}                                              	}	#endif#else	#ifndef HR	#define HR(x) x;	#endif#endif #endif // D3DUTIL_H

//=============================================================================// DirectInput.h by Frank Luna (C) 2005 All Rights Reserved.//// Wraps initialization of immediate mode Direct Input, and provides // information for querying the state of the keyboard and mouse.//=============================================================================#ifndef DIRECT_INPUT_H#define DIRECT_INPUT_H#define DIRECTINPUT_VERSION 0x0800#include <dinput.h>class DirectInput{public:	DirectInput(DWORD keyboardCoopFlags, DWORD mouseCoopFlags);	~DirectInput();	void poll();	bool keyDown(char key);	bool keyUp(char key);	bool mouseButtonDown(int button);	float mouseDX();	float mouseDY();	float mouseDZ();private:	// Make private to prevent copying of members of this class.	DirectInput(const DirectInput& rhs);	DirectInput& operator=(const DirectInput& rhs);		private:	IDirectInput8*       mDInput;	IDirectInputDevice8* mKeyboard;	char                 mKeyboardState[256]; 	IDirectInputDevice8* mMouse;	DIMOUSESTATE2        mMouseState;};extern DirectInput* gDInput;#endif // DIRECT_INPUT_H

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// File: Global.h// Desc: includes all headers for convience// Author: Chris Miller// Date: 6/13/08///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#ifndef __GLOBAL_H#define __GLOBAL_H#include "d3dApp.h"#include "Tools.h"#include "d3dUtil.h"#include "DirectInput.h"#include "Connect4.h"#include <crtdbg.h>#include <tchar.h>#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <string>#include <windows.h>#endif

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// File: Tools.h// Desc: declaration of common used functions// Author: Chris Miller// Date: 6/12/08////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#ifndef __TOOLS_H#define __TOOLS_H#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <string>void logError(std::string);void logKey(std::string);void logTurn(std::string);void logTurn(std::string, int);void logBoard(int mBoard[6][7]);#endif

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// File: Connect4.cpp// Desc: main application file for the connect 4 game// Author: Chris Miller// Date: 6/12/08////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#include "Global.h"#define DEBUGint WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE prevInstance,				   PSTR cmdLine, int showCmd){	// enable run-time memory check for debug builds.	#if defined(DEBUG) | defined(_DEBUG)		_CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF );	#endif	Connect4 app(hInstance, "Connect 4 - v.0.5", D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING);	gd3dApp = &app;	DirectInput di(DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE|DISCL_FOREGROUND, DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE|DISCL_FOREGROUND);	gDInput = &di;	return gd3dApp->run();}Connect4::Connect4(HINSTANCE hInstance, std::string winCaption, D3DDEVTYPE devType, DWORD requestedVP):D3DApp(hInstance, winCaption, devType, requestedVP){	if (!checkDeviceCaps())	{		logError("checkDeviceCaps - FAILED");		return;	}	HR(D3DXCreateSprite(gd3dDevice, &mSprite));	HR(D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(gd3dDevice, "background.tga", &mTexture));	mBkgrdCntr = D3DXVECTOR3(353.0f, 303.0f, 1.0f);	mBlackCntr = D3DXVECTOR3(50.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f);	mRedCntr = D3DXVECTOR3(50.0, 50.0f, 0.0f);	SetRect(&mBkgrdRect,   0,   0,  707, 606);	SetRect(&mBlackRect, 924, 100, 1024, 199);	SetRect(&mRedRect,   924,   0, 1024,  99);	mPlayer = 1;	mComputer = 2;	mTurn = mPlayer;		// initiaze the board	for(int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; i++)	{		for (int j = 0; j < NUL_COLS; j++)		{			mBoard[j] = 0;		}	}	onResetDevice();}Connect4::~Connect4(){	// release resources	ReleaseCOM(mTexture);	ReleaseCOM(mSprite);}bool Connect4::checkDeviceCaps(){	// Nothing to check	return true;}void Connect4::onLostDevice(){	// reset any device that needs to be reset	HR(mSprite->OnLostDevice());}void Connect4::onResetDevice(){	// Call the onResetDevice of other objects.	HR(mSprite->OnResetDevice());	// Sets up the camera 1000 units back looking at the origin.	D3DXMATRIX V;	D3DXVECTOR3 pos(0.0f, 0.0f, -1000.0f);	D3DXVECTOR3 up(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);	D3DXVECTOR3 target(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);	D3DXMatrixLookAtLH(&V, &pos, &target, &up);	HR(gd3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &V));	// The following code defines the volume of space the camera sees.	D3DXMATRIX P;	RECT R;	GetClientRect(mhMainWnd, &R);	float width  = (float)R.right;	float height = (float)R.bottom;	D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH(&P, D3DX_PI*0.25f, width/height, 1.0f, 5000.0f);	HR(gd3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &P));	// This code sets texture filters, which helps to smooth out distortions	// when you scale a texture.  	HR(gd3dDevice->SetSamplerState(0, D3DSAMP_MAGFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR));	HR(gd3dDevice->SetSamplerState(0, D3DSAMP_MINFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR));	HR(gd3dDevice->SetSamplerState(0, D3DSAMP_MIPFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR));	// This line of code disables Direct3D lighting.	HR(gd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false));		// The following code specifies an alpha test and reference value.	HR(gd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHAREF, 10));	HR(gd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC, D3DCMP_GREATER));	// The following code is used to setup alpha blending.	HR(gd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE));	HR(gd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG1));	HR(gd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA));	HR(gd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA));	// Indicates that we are using 2D texture coordinates.	HR(gd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState(		0, D3DTSS_TEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS, D3DTTFF_COUNT2));}void Connect4::updateScene(float dt){	// see who's turn it is and get input if player turn	gDInput->poll();	if (mTurn == mPlayer)	{		humanMove();	}	else	{		computerMove();	}}void Connect4::drawBackground(){	// Turn on the alpha state	HR(gd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE, true));	// draw the background sprite	HR(mSprite->Draw(mTexture, &mBkgrdRect, &mBkgrdCntr, 0, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,255,255)));	HR(mSprite->Flush());	// Turn off the alpha state	HR(gd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE, false));}void Connect4::drawPieces(){	// variable to keep track of the positon	D3DXVECTOR3 temp;	// loop and draw board	for (int col = 0; col <= 6; ++col)	{		for (int row = 0; row <= 5; ++row)		{			temp = D3DXVECTOR3((float)((col*101)-302), (float)((row*101)-252), 0.0f);			// check and see who is where, 1 is red, 2 is black, 0 is blank			if (mBoard[row][col] == 1)			{				HR(mSprite->Draw(mTexture, &mRedRect, &mRedCntr, &temp, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,255,255)));			}			else if(mBoard[row][col] == 2)			{				HR(mSprite->Draw(mTexture, &mBlackRect, &mBlackCntr, &temp, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,255,255)));			}		}	}	logBoard(mBoard);	HR(mSprite->Flush());}void Connect4::drawScene(){	HR(gd3dDevice->Clear(0, 0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET | D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,255,255), 1.0f, 0));  //white	HR(gd3dDevice->BeginScene());	HR(mSprite->Begin(D3DXSPRITE_OBJECTSPACE | D3DXSPRITE_DONOTMODIFY_RENDERSTATE));	// pieces must be drawn first otherwise the board will look funny	drawPieces();	drawBackground();	HR(mSprite->End());	HR(gd3dDevice->EndScene());	HR(gd3dDevice->Present(0, 0, 0, 0));}void Connect4::humanMove(){	// see if player is pressing the 1 key	if (gDInput->keyDown(DIK_1))	{		// log it for debug		logKey("Key 1 pressed.");				// key one pressed, see if the top of the column is empty		if (mBoard[5][0] == 0)		{			// column has empty space, find bottommost open spot and move there			for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; i++)			{				// see if the current spot is open				if (mBoard[0] == 0)				{					// empty, put player piece there and change to computer move					mBoard[0] = mPlayer;					mTurn = opponent(mTurn);					logTurn("Player has moved to column 1 and space ", i);					return;				}				else				{					// space is full move on				}				// continue to loop till spot found.			}			// space is occupied can't go in this column			mTurn = mPlayer;		}		// key wasn't pressed move on	}}void Connect4::computerMove(){		// wrtie computer turn to file	logTurn("Computer turn.");	mTurn = opponent(mTurn);}int Connect4::opponent(int turn){	if (turn == 1)		return 2;	else		return 1;}void Connect4::announceWinner(){}void Connect4::winner(){}int Connect4::getTurn(){	return mTurn;}

//=============================================================================// d3dApp.h by Frank Luna (C) 2005 All Rights Reserved.//=============================================================================#include "Global.h"D3DApp* gd3dApp              = 0;IDirect3DDevice9* gd3dDevice = 0;LRESULT CALLBACKMainWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){	// Don't start processing messages until the application has been created.	if( gd3dApp != 0 )		return gd3dApp->msgProc(msg, wParam, lParam);	else		return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);}D3DApp::D3DApp(HINSTANCE hInstance, std::string winCaption, D3DDEVTYPE devType, DWORD requestedVP){	mMainWndCaption = winCaption;	mDevType        = devType;	mRequestedVP    = requestedVP;		mhAppInst   = hInstance;	mhMainWnd   = 0;	md3dObject  = 0;	mAppPaused  = false;	ZeroMemory(&md3dPP, sizeof(md3dPP));	initMainWindow();	initDirect3D();}D3DApp::~D3DApp(){	ReleaseCOM(md3dObject);	ReleaseCOM(gd3dDevice);}HINSTANCE D3DApp::getAppInst(){	return mhAppInst;}HWND D3DApp::getMainWnd(){	return mhMainWnd;}void D3DApp::initMainWindow(){	WNDCLASS wc;         = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;	wc.lpfnWndProc   = MainWndProc; 	wc.cbClsExtra    = 0;	wc.cbWndExtra    = 0;	wc.hInstance     = mhAppInst;	wc.hIcon         = LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION);	wc.hCursor       = LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW);	wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);	wc.lpszMenuName  = 0;	wc.lpszClassName = "D3DWndClassName";	if( !RegisterClass(&wc) )	{		MessageBox(0, "RegisterClass FAILED", 0, 0);		PostQuitMessage(0);	}	// Default to a window with a client area rectangle of 700x600.	RECT R = {0, 0, 800, 600};	AdjustWindowRect(&R, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, false);	mhMainWnd = CreateWindow("D3DWndClassName", mMainWndCaption.c_str(), 		WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 100, 100, R.right, R.bottom, 		0, 0, mhAppInst, 0); 	if( !mhMainWnd )	{		MessageBox(0, "CreateWindow FAILED", 0, 0);		PostQuitMessage(0);	}	ShowWindow(mhMainWnd, SW_SHOW);	UpdateWindow(mhMainWnd);}void D3DApp::initDirect3D(){	// Step 1: Create the IDirect3D9 object.    md3dObject = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION);	if( !md3dObject )	{		MessageBox(0, "Direct3DCreate9 FAILED", 0, 0);		PostQuitMessage(0);	}	// Step 2: Verify hardware support for specified formats in windowed and full screen modes.		D3DDISPLAYMODE mode;	md3dObject->GetAdapterDisplayMode(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, &mode);	HR(md3dObject->CheckDeviceType(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, mDevType, mode.Format, mode.Format, true));	HR(md3dObject->CheckDeviceType(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, mDevType, D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8, D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8, false));	// Step 3: Check for requested vertex processing and pure device.	D3DCAPS9 caps;	HR(md3dObject->GetDeviceCaps(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, mDevType, &caps));	DWORD devBehaviorFlags = 0;	if( caps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT )		devBehaviorFlags |= mRequestedVP;	else		devBehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;	// If pure device and HW T&L supported	if( caps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_PUREDEVICE &&		devBehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING)			devBehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE;	// Step 4: Fill out the D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS structure.	md3dPP.BackBufferWidth            = 0; 	md3dPP.BackBufferHeight           = 0;	md3dPP.BackBufferFormat           = D3DFMT_UNKNOWN;	md3dPP.BackBufferCount            = 1;	md3dPP.MultiSampleType            = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE;	md3dPP.MultiSampleQuality         = 0;	md3dPP.SwapEffect                 = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD; 	md3dPP.hDeviceWindow              = mhMainWnd;	md3dPP.Windowed                   = true;	md3dPP.EnableAutoDepthStencil     = true; 	md3dPP.AutoDepthStencilFormat     = D3DFMT_D24S8;	md3dPP.Flags                      = 0;	md3dPP.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz = D3DPRESENT_RATE_DEFAULT;	md3dPP.PresentationInterval       = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE;	// Step 5: Create the device.	HR(md3dObject->CreateDevice(		D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, // primary adapter		mDevType,           // device type		mhMainWnd,          // window associated with device		devBehaviorFlags,   // vertex processing	    &md3dPP,            // present parameters	    &gd3dDevice));      // return created device}int D3DApp::run(){	MSG  msg;    msg.message = WM_NULL;	__int64 cntsPerSec = 0;	QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER*)&cntsPerSec);	float secsPerCnt = 1.0f / (float)cntsPerSec;	__int64 prevTimeStamp = 0;	QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*)&prevTimeStamp);	while(msg.message != WM_QUIT)	{		// If there are Window messages then process them.		if(PeekMessage( &msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ))		{            TranslateMessage( &msg );            DispatchMessage( &msg );		}		// Otherwise, do animation/game stuff.		else        {				// If the application is paused then free some CPU cycles to other 			// applications and then continue on to the next frame.			if( mAppPaused )			{				Sleep(20);				continue;			}			if( !isDeviceLost() )			{				__int64 currTimeStamp = 0;				QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*)&currTimeStamp);				float dt = (currTimeStamp - prevTimeStamp)*secsPerCnt;				updateScene(dt);				drawScene();				// Prepare for next iteration: The current time stamp becomes				// the previous time stamp for the next iteration.				prevTimeStamp = currTimeStamp;			}        }    }	return (int)msg.wParam;}LRESULT D3DApp::msgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){	// Is the application in a minimized or maximized state?	static bool minOrMaxed = false;	RECT clientRect = {0, 0, 0, 0};	switch( msg )	{	// WM_ACTIVE is sent when the window is activated or deactivated.	// We pause the game when the main window is deactivated and 	// unpause it when it becomes active.	case WM_ACTIVATE:		if( LOWORD(wParam) == WA_INACTIVE )			mAppPaused = true;		else			mAppPaused = false;		return 0;	// WM_SIZE is sent when the user resizes the window.  	case WM_SIZE:		if( gd3dDevice )		{			md3dPP.BackBufferWidth  = LOWORD(lParam);			md3dPP.BackBufferHeight = HIWORD(lParam);			if( wParam == SIZE_MINIMIZED )			{				mAppPaused = true;				minOrMaxed = true;			}			else if( wParam == SIZE_MAXIMIZED )			{				mAppPaused = false;				minOrMaxed = true;				onLostDevice();				HR(gd3dDevice->Reset(&md3dPP));				onResetDevice();			}			// Restored is any resize that is not a minimize or maximize.			// For example, restoring the window to its default size			// after a minimize or maximize, or from dragging the resize			// bars.			else if( wParam == SIZE_RESTORED )			{				mAppPaused = false;				// Are we restoring from a mimimized or maximized state, 				// and are in windowed mode?  Do not execute this code if 				// we are restoring to full screen mode.				if( minOrMaxed && md3dPP.Windowed )				{					onLostDevice();					HR(gd3dDevice->Reset(&md3dPP));					onResetDevice();				}				else				{					// No, which implies the user is resizing by dragging					// the resize bars.  However, we do not reset the device					// here because as the user continuously drags the resize					// bars, a stream of WM_SIZE messages is sent to the window,					// and it would be pointless (and slow) to reset for each					// WM_SIZE message received from dragging the resize bars.					// So instead, we reset after the user is done resizing the					// window and releases the resize bars, which sends a					// WM_EXITSIZEMOVE message.				}				minOrMaxed = false;			}		}		return 0;	// WM_EXITSIZEMOVE is sent when the user releases the resize bars.	// Here we reset everything based on the new window dimensions.	case WM_EXITSIZEMOVE:		GetClientRect(mhMainWnd, &clientRect);		md3dPP.BackBufferWidth  = clientRect.right;		md3dPP.BackBufferHeight = clientRect.bottom;		onLostDevice();		HR(gd3dDevice->Reset(&md3dPP));		onResetDevice();		return 0;	// WM_CLOSE is sent when the user presses the 'X' button in the	// caption bar menu.	case WM_CLOSE:		DestroyWindow(mhMainWnd);		return 0;	// WM_DESTROY is sent when the window is being destroyed.	case WM_DESTROY:		PostQuitMessage(0);		return 0;	case WM_KEYDOWN:		if( wParam == VK_ESCAPE )			enableFullScreenMode(false);		else if( wParam == 'F' )			enableFullScreenMode(true);		return 0;	}	return DefWindowProc(mhMainWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);}void D3DApp::enableFullScreenMode(bool enable){	// Switch to fullscreen mode.	if( enable )	{		// Are we already in fullscreen mode?		if( !md3dPP.Windowed ) 			return;		int width  = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);		int height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);		md3dPP.BackBufferFormat = D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8;		md3dPP.BackBufferWidth  = width;		md3dPP.BackBufferHeight = height;		md3dPP.Windowed         = false;		// Change the window style to a more fullscreen friendly style.		SetWindowLongPtr(mhMainWnd, GWL_STYLE, WS_POPUP);		// If we call SetWindowLongPtr, MSDN states that we need to call		// SetWindowPos for the change to take effect.  In addition, we 		// need to call this function anyway to update the window dimensions.		SetWindowPos(mhMainWnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, width, height, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_SHOWWINDOW);		}	// Switch to windowed mode.	else	{		// Are we already in windowed mode?		if( md3dPP.Windowed ) 			return;		RECT R = {0, 0, 800, 600};		AdjustWindowRect(&R, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, false);		md3dPP.BackBufferFormat = D3DFMT_UNKNOWN;		md3dPP.BackBufferWidth  = 800;		md3dPP.BackBufferHeight = 600;		md3dPP.Windowed         = true;			// Change the window style to a more windowed friendly style.		SetWindowLongPtr(mhMainWnd, GWL_STYLE, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW);		// If we call SetWindowLongPtr, MSDN states that we need to call		// SetWindowPos for the change to take effect.  In addition, we 		// need to call this function anyway to update the window dimensions.		SetWindowPos(mhMainWnd, HWND_TOP, 100, 100, R.right, R.bottom, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_SHOWWINDOW);	}	// Reset the device with the changes.	onLostDevice();	HR(gd3dDevice->Reset(&md3dPP));	onResetDevice();}bool D3DApp::isDeviceLost(){	// Get the state of the graphics device.	HRESULT hr = gd3dDevice->TestCooperativeLevel();	// If the device is lost and cannot be reset yet then	// sleep for a bit and we'll try again on the next 	// message loop cycle.	if( hr == D3DERR_DEVICELOST )	{		Sleep(20);		return true;	}	// Driver error, exit.	else if( hr == D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR )	{		MessageBox(0, "Internal Driver Error...Exiting", 0, 0);		PostQuitMessage(0);		return true;	}	// The device is lost but we can reset and restore it.	else if( hr == D3DERR_DEVICENOTRESET )	{		onLostDevice();		HR(gd3dDevice->Reset(&md3dPP));		onResetDevice();		return false;	}	else		return false;}

//=============================================================================// DirectInput.cpp by Frank Luna (C) 2005 All Rights Reserved.//=============================================================================#include "Global.h"DirectInput* gDInput = 0;DirectInput::DirectInput(DWORD keyboardCoopFlags, DWORD mouseCoopFlags){	ZeroMemory(mKeyboardState, sizeof(mKeyboardState));	ZeroMemory(&mMouseState, sizeof(mMouseState));	HR(DirectInput8Create(gd3dApp->getAppInst(), DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, 		IID_IDirectInput8, (void**)&mDInput, 0));	HR(mDInput->CreateDevice(GUID_SysKeyboard, &mKeyboard, 0));	HR(mKeyboard->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIKeyboard));	HR(mKeyboard->SetCooperativeLevel(gd3dApp->getMainWnd(), keyboardCoopFlags));	HR(mKeyboard->Acquire());	HR(mDInput->CreateDevice(GUID_SysMouse, &mMouse, 0));	HR(mMouse->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIMouse2));	HR(mMouse->SetCooperativeLevel(gd3dApp->getMainWnd(), mouseCoopFlags));	HR(mMouse->Acquire());}DirectInput::~DirectInput(){	ReleaseCOM(mDInput);	mKeyboard->Unacquire();	mMouse->Unacquire();	ReleaseCOM(mKeyboard);	ReleaseCOM(mMouse);}void DirectInput::poll(){	// Poll keyboard.	HRESULT hr = mKeyboard->GetDeviceState(sizeof(mKeyboardState), (void**)&mKeyboardState); 	if( FAILED(hr) )	{		// Keyboard lost, zero out keyboard data structure.		ZeroMemory(mKeyboardState, sizeof(mKeyboardState));		 // Try to acquire for next time we poll.		hr = mKeyboard->Acquire();	}	// Poll mouse.	hr = mMouse->GetDeviceState(sizeof(DIMOUSESTATE2), (void**)&mMouseState); 	if( FAILED(hr) )	{		// Mouse lost, zero out mouse data structure.		ZeroMemory(&mMouseState, sizeof(mMouseState));		// Try to acquire for next time we poll.		hr = mMouse->Acquire(); 	}}bool DirectInput::keyDown(char key){	return (mKeyboardState[key] & 0x80) != 0;}bool DirectInput::mouseButtonDown(int button){	return (mMouseState.rgbButtons[button] & 0x80) != 0;}float DirectInput::mouseDX(){	return (float)mMouseState.lX;}float DirectInput::mouseDY(){	return (float)mMouseState.lY;}float DirectInput::mouseDZ(){	return (float)mMouseState.lZ;}

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: Tools.cpp// Desc: implementation of common helper functins// Author: Chris Miiler// Date 6/12/o8////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#include "Global.h"void logError(std::string msg){	// open the file to write to it	std::fstream errFile("debug.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::app);	// make sure the file is open	if (errFile.is_open())	{		errFile << msg;	}}void logKey(std::string msg){	std::ofstream outFile("keys.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::app);	if (outFile.is_open())	{		outFile << msg << std::endl;	}}void logTurn(std::string msg){	std::ofstream outFile("turn.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::app);	if (outFile.is_open())	{		outFile << msg << std::endl;	}}void logTurn(std::string msg, int space){	std::ofstream outFile("turn.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::app);	if (outFile.is_open())	{		outFile << msg << " " << space << std::endl;	}}void logBoard(int mBoard[6][7]){	std::ofstream outFile("board.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::app);	if (outFile.is_open())	{		for (int i = 5; i < -1; i--)		{			outFile << "{";			for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++)			{				outFile << mBoard[j] << " ";			}			outFile << "}\n";		}		outFile << "\n\n";	}}

I really appreciate your helping this uber noob out, Hope someone can give me a suggestion as to how to do it. And if there are things that anybody sees that should be changed i'll take those suggestions as well.
It sounds like the aforementioned repetitious keyboard issue. Direct X only handles two button states (PRESSED -or- RELEASED). Assuming that you're getting a decent .03 seconds per frame (30 frames a second), the gDInput->GetKeyDown(DIK_1) command is going to register 30 key presses.

So the simple solution (as previously stated). Don't look for a simple KeyDown(...) to register the players choice. Instead, use KeyUp(...) AFTER KeyDown(...).

Let me show you this way (I've not used cpp for a while so here's a psuedo-code reference)

/* This boolean value (I call them flags) has to be accessable * by the Connect4::HumanMove() method but cannot be declared * locally (inside of it).*/bool Key1Pressed = false;Connect4::HumanMove(){  //If the key is pressed && the flag is false  if (gDInput->GetKeyPressed(DIK_1) && !Key1Pressed)  {    /* Set the Key1Pressed flag to true.  It's set so that we     * can identify when it has been released and respond to     * the release (since it should only happen once). */    Key1Pressed = true;  }  //If the key isn't pressed && the flag is true  if (!gDInput->GetKeyPressed(DIK_1) && Key1Pressed)  {    /* The key has been released.  We'll reset the Key1Pressed     * flag (so that it can't be released more than once) and     * react to the users choice */    Key1Pressed = false;    //-TODO: INSERT YOUR KEY 1 RELEASED DECISION LOGIC HERE-//  }}

There are many different ways to apply this. But I feel that this is a simple method that can be applied to your code without too many modifications.

Xyphyx, your are a god, it works like a charm. i can't believe i never got what they were talking about in the earlier posts. I got the concept but not how to actually implement it. thank you thank you thank you. When i make the game credits your name will be there for helping me out.
I'm learning just like the rest of us... Well - most of us anyways.


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