Nehe Tutorials

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21 comments, last by monkey4sale 15 years, 10 months ago
microsoft developer resource is the msdn i believe and look under library for references or use the forum.

this site is useful also
Bring more Pain
nope, I had to make that folder and download OpenGL myself...
Maybe if I reinstall
-A.K.A SteveGravity is unreliable-DTD
Quote:Original post by monkey4sale
I have the 08 version installed, maybe im just clueless and cant find anything on my computer....

One of the key pieces of feedback we got from C++ developers was that it was difficult to download and configure the Platform SDK (headers, libraries, and tools) to build native Windows applications. In Visual C++ Express 2008, we've integrated the Platform SDK directly so this is much easier than before and with thousands of new native Windows Vista APIs to play with, C++ developers have plenty of cool applications to build.

So you should have everything you need to start with OpenGL.

Creating an empty application with just the following and see if it builds:

#include <GL/gl.h>int main(){}

Once that works, make sure you're linking against opengl32
Well its impossible without the headers, I have the basic GL headers because I had to go and download it maually, but im missing the glaux and such.
-A.K.A SteveGravity is unreliable-DTD
but I dont, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Include , no GL folder and no GL headers.
-A.K.A SteveGravity is unreliable-DTD
Quote:Original post by monkey4sale
but I dont, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Include , no GL folder and no GL headers.

Post your actual errors.
What errors? The issue is that I dont have any OpenGL headers, the VC++ E does not install them, I simply do not have them and so I can not follow the tutorials.
-A.K.A SteveGravity is unreliable-DTD
Quote:Original post by monkey4sale
What errors? The issue is that I dont have any OpenGL headers, the VC++ E does not install them, I simply do not have them and so I can not follow the tutorials.

Take one of the sample visual studio projects from nehe, attempt to compile it.

Either that or try and build this program in Visual Studio:

#include <GL/gl.h>
int main()


Once you do that post any errors you get.
1>g:\c++\nehe\test\test\test.cpp(1) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'GL/gl.h': No such file or directory
-A.K.A SteveGravity is unreliable-DTD
Try this. No idea where I got it from...

/*++ BUILD Version: 0004    // Increment this if a change has global effectsCopyright (c) 1985-95, Microsoft CorporationModule Name:    glaux.hAbstract:    Procedure declarations, constant definitions and macros for the OpenGL    Auxiliary Library.--*/#ifndef __GLAUX_H__#define __GLAUX_H__/* * (c) Copyright 1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for  * any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice * and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that  * the name of Silicon Graphics, Inc. not be used in advertising * or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, * written prior permission.  * * THE MATERIAL EMBODIED ON THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS-IS" * AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  IN NO EVENT SHALL SILICON * GRAPHICS, INC.  BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY DIRECT, * SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY * KIND, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, * LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF USE, SAVINGS OR REVENUE, OR THE CLAIMS OF * THIRD PARTIES, WHETHER OR NOT SILICON GRAPHICS, INC.  HAS BEEN * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS, HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * POSSESSION, USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. *  * US Government Users Restricted Rights  * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to * restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227.19(c)(2) or subparagraph * (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software * clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and/or in similar or successor * clauses in the FAR or the DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. * Unpublished-- rights reserved under the copyright laws of the * United States.  Contractor/manufacturer is Silicon Graphics, * Inc., 2011 N.  Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94039-7311. * * OpenGL(TM) is a trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. */#include <windows.h>#include <GL/gl.h>#include <GL/glu.h>#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" {#endif/*** ToolKit Window Types** In the future, AUX_RGBA may be a combination of both RGB and ALPHA*/#define AUX_RGB             0#define AUX_RGBA            AUX_RGB#define AUX_INDEX           1#define AUX_SINGLE          0#define AUX_DOUBLE          2#define AUX_DIRECT          0#define AUX_INDIRECT        4#define AUX_ACCUM           8#define AUX_ALPHA           16#define AUX_DEPTH24         32      /* 24-bit depth buffer */#define AUX_STENCIL         64#define AUX_AUX             128#define AUX_DEPTH16         256     /* 16-bit depth buffer */#define AUX_FIXED_332_PAL   512#define AUX_DEPTH           AUX_DEPTH16 /* default is 16-bit depth buffer *//* ** Window Masks*/#define AUX_WIND_IS_RGB(x)      (((x) & AUX_INDEX) == 0)#define AUX_WIND_IS_INDEX(x)    (((x) & AUX_INDEX) != 0)#define AUX_WIND_IS_SINGLE(x)   (((x) & AUX_DOUBLE) == 0)#define AUX_WIND_IS_DOUBLE(x)   (((x) & AUX_DOUBLE) != 0)#define AUX_WIND_IS_INDIRECT(x) (((x) & AUX_INDIRECT) != 0)#define AUX_WIND_IS_DIRECT(x)   (((x) & AUX_INDIRECT) == 0)#define AUX_WIND_HAS_ACCUM(x)   (((x) & AUX_ACCUM) != 0)#define AUX_WIND_HAS_ALPHA(x)   (((x) & AUX_ALPHA) != 0)#define AUX_WIND_HAS_DEPTH(x)   (((x) & (AUX_DEPTH24 | AUX_DEPTH16)) != 0)#define AUX_WIND_HAS_STENCIL(x) (((x) & AUX_STENCIL) != 0)#define AUX_WIND_USES_FIXED_332_PAL(x)  (((x) & AUX_FIXED_332_PAL) != 0)/*** ToolKit Event Structure*/typedef struct _AUX_EVENTREC {    GLint event;    GLint data[4];} AUX_EVENTREC;/* ** ToolKit Event Types*/#define AUX_EXPOSE      1#define AUX_CONFIG      2#define AUX_DRAW        4#define AUX_KEYEVENT    8#define AUX_MOUSEDOWN   16#define AUX_MOUSEUP     32#define AUX_MOUSELOC    64/*** Toolkit Event Data Indices*/#define AUX_WINDOWX             0#define AUX_WINDOWY             1#define AUX_MOUSEX              0#define AUX_MOUSEY              1#define AUX_MOUSESTATUS         3#define AUX_KEY                 0#define AUX_KEYSTATUS           1/*** ToolKit Event Status Messages*/#define AUX_LEFTBUTTON          1#define AUX_RIGHTBUTTON         2#define AUX_MIDDLEBUTTON        4#define AUX_SHIFT               1#define AUX_CONTROL             2/* ** ToolKit Key Codes*/#define AUX_RETURN              0x0D#define AUX_ESCAPE              0x1B#define AUX_SPACE               0x20#define AUX_LEFT                0x25#define AUX_UP                  0x26#define AUX_RIGHT               0x27#define AUX_DOWN                0x28#define AUX_A                   'A'#define AUX_B                   'B'#define AUX_C                   'C'#define AUX_D                   'D'#define AUX_E                   'E'#define AUX_F                   'F'#define AUX_G                   'G'#define AUX_H                   'H'#define AUX_I                   'I'#define AUX_J                   'J'#define AUX_K                   'K'#define AUX_L                   'L'#define AUX_M                   'M'#define AUX_N                   'N'#define AUX_O                   'O'#define AUX_P                   'P'#define AUX_Q                   'Q'#define AUX_R                   'R'#define AUX_S                   'S'#define AUX_T                   'T'#define AUX_U                   'U'#define AUX_V                   'V'#define AUX_W                   'W'#define AUX_X                   'X'#define AUX_Y                   'Y'#define AUX_Z                   'Z'#define AUX_a                   'a'#define AUX_b                   'b'#define AUX_c                   'c'#define AUX_d                   'd'#define AUX_e                   'e'#define AUX_f                   'f'#define AUX_g                   'g'#define AUX_h                   'h'#define AUX_i                   'i'#define AUX_j                   'j'#define AUX_k                   'k'#define AUX_l                   'l'#define AUX_m                   'm'#define AUX_n                   'n'#define AUX_o                   'o'#define AUX_p                   'p'#define AUX_q                   'q'#define AUX_r                   'r'#define AUX_s                   's'#define AUX_t                   't'#define AUX_u                   'u'#define AUX_v                   'v'#define AUX_w                   'w'#define AUX_x                   'x'#define AUX_y                   'y'#define AUX_z                   'z'#define AUX_0                   '0'#define AUX_1                   '1'#define AUX_2                   '2'#define AUX_3                   '3'#define AUX_4                   '4'#define AUX_5                   '5'#define AUX_6                   '6'#define AUX_7                   '7'#define AUX_8                   '8'#define AUX_9                   '9'/*** ToolKit Gets and Sets*/#define AUX_FD                  1  /* return fd (long) */#define AUX_COLORMAP            3  /* pass buf of r, g and b (unsigned char) */#define AUX_GREYSCALEMAP        4#define AUX_FOGMAP              5  /* pass fog and color bits (long) */#define AUX_ONECOLOR            6  /* pass index, r, g, and b (long) *//*** Color Macros*/#define AUX_BLACK               0#define AUX_RED                 13#define AUX_GREEN               14#define AUX_YELLOW              15#define AUX_BLUE                16#define AUX_MAGENTA             17#define AUX_CYAN                18#define AUX_WHITE               19extern float auxRGBMap[20][3];#define AUX_SETCOLOR(x, y) (AUX_WIND_IS_RGB((x)) ?                            glColor3fv(auxRGBMap[(y)]) : glIndexf((y)))/*** RGB Image Structure*/typedef struct _AUX_RGBImageRec {    GLint sizeX, sizeY;    unsigned char *data;} AUX_RGBImageRec;/*** Prototypes*/void APIENTRY auxInitDisplayMode(GLenum);void APIENTRY auxInitPosition(int, int, int, int);/* GLenum APIENTRY auxInitWindow(LPCTSTR); */#ifdef UNICODE#define auxInitWindow auxInitWindowW#else#define auxInitWindow auxInitWindowA#endifGLenum APIENTRY auxInitWindowA(LPCSTR);GLenum APIENTRY auxInitWindowW(LPCWSTR);void APIENTRY auxCloseWindow(void);void APIENTRY auxQuit(void);void APIENTRY auxSwapBuffers(void);typedef void (CALLBACK* AUXMAINPROC)(void);void APIENTRY auxMainLoop(AUXMAINPROC);typedef void (CALLBACK* AUXEXPOSEPROC)(int, int);void APIENTRY auxExposeFunc(AUXEXPOSEPROC);typedef void (CALLBACK* AUXRESHAPEPROC)(GLsizei, GLsizei);void APIENTRY auxReshapeFunc(AUXRESHAPEPROC);typedef void (CALLBACK* AUXIDLEPROC)(void);void APIENTRY auxIdleFunc(AUXIDLEPROC);typedef void (CALLBACK* AUXKEYPROC)(void);void APIENTRY auxKeyFunc(int, AUXKEYPROC);typedef void (CALLBACK* AUXMOUSEPROC)(AUX_EVENTREC *);void APIENTRY auxMouseFunc(int, int, AUXMOUSEPROC);int  APIENTRY auxGetColorMapSize(void);void APIENTRY auxGetMouseLoc(int *, int *);void APIENTRY auxSetOneColor(int, float, float, float);void APIENTRY auxSetFogRamp(int, int);void APIENTRY auxSetGreyRamp(void);void APIENTRY auxSetRGBMap(int, float *);/* AUX_RGBImageRec * APIENTRY auxRGBImageLoad(LPCTSTR); */#ifdef UNICODE#define auxRGBImageLoad auxRGBImageLoadW#else#define auxRGBImageLoad auxRGBImageLoadA#endifAUX_RGBImageRec * APIENTRY auxRGBImageLoadA(LPCSTR);AUX_RGBImageRec * APIENTRY auxRGBImageLoadW(LPCWSTR);#ifdef UNICODE#define auxDIBImageLoad auxDIBImageLoadW#else#define auxDIBImageLoad auxDIBImageLoadA#endifAUX_RGBImageRec * APIENTRY auxDIBImageLoadA(LPCSTR);AUX_RGBImageRec * APIENTRY auxDIBImageLoadW(LPCWSTR);void APIENTRY auxCreateFont(void);/* void APIENTRY auxDrawStr(LPCTSTR); */#ifdef UNICODE#define auxDrawStr auxDrawStrW#else#define auxDrawStr auxDrawStrA#endifvoid APIENTRY auxDrawStrA(LPCSTR);void APIENTRY auxDrawStrW(LPCWSTR);void APIENTRY auxWireSphere(GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxSolidSphere(GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxWireCube(GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxSolidCube(GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxWireBox(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxSolidBox(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxWireTorus(GLdouble, GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxSolidTorus(GLdouble, GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxWireCylinder(GLdouble, GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxSolidCylinder(GLdouble, GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxWireIcosahedron(GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxSolidIcosahedron(GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxWireOctahedron(GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxSolidOctahedron(GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxWireTetrahedron(GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxSolidTetrahedron(GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxWireDodecahedron(GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxSolidDodecahedron(GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxWireCone(GLdouble, GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxSolidCone(GLdouble, GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxWireTeapot(GLdouble);void APIENTRY auxSolidTeapot(GLdouble);/*** Window specific functions** hwnd, hdc, and hglrc valid after auxInitWindow()*/HWND  APIENTRY auxGetHWND(void);HDC   APIENTRY auxGetHDC(void);HGLRC APIENTRY auxGetHGLRC(void);/*** Viewperf support functions and constants*//* Display Mode Selection Criteria */enum {    AUX_USE_ID = 1,    AUX_EXACT_MATCH,    AUX_MINIMUM_CRITERIA};void   APIENTRY auxInitDisplayModePolicy(GLenum);GLenum APIENTRY auxInitDisplayModeID(GLint);GLenum APIENTRY auxGetDisplayModePolicy(void);GLint  APIENTRY auxGetDisplayModeID(void);GLenum APIENTRY auxGetDisplayMode(void);#ifdef __cplusplus}#endif#endif /* __GLAUX_H__ */

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