C# ZIP Compression Questions

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1 comment, last by gan 15 years, 10 months ago
So the program that I'm writing is going to be able to have lots of user generated content. What i would like to do is to allow users who make their own scenes to be able to distribute these in Zip files. I don't want them to be extracted to the hard drive when my program accesses them. Dose anyone know how to do this? I'm using a library called SharpZipLib and i can get elements from the zip file. however i don't know how to get it to stream uncompressed data into something that i can read. mostly I'm going to be holding XML, mesh, hlsl, and image files. dose anyone know where i can find info on that? Thanks! neon
Look at the ZipInputStream and ZipOutputStream classes. They are both derived from Stream, so just use typical Stream-compatible methods to read/write them.

(Edit) They seem to work a lot like the .Net 2.0 compression streams: You put them "on top" of another stream, and they compress the data you write to them and write the result into the underlying stream.

For example, if you want to open a file and begin reading it as data in the program, you would:

- Get a FileStream by opening a file.
- Construct a ZipInputStream using the FileStream as the constructor argument.
- Use various ZipInputStream methods to find the entry you want.
- Use the ZipInputStream as a Stream and read your decompressed data.
as Nypyren mentioned (here are VB.Net sample; you can change to C# easily):

compress (bytData is your data in binary format; strZipEntry is your filename):
Public Function CompressWithSharpZipLib(ByVal bytData As Byte(), ByVal strZipEntry As String) As Byte()        Dim streamCompressedOutput As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()        Dim s As ZipOutputStream = Nothing        Try            s = New ZipOutputStream(streamCompressedOutput)            s.SetLevel(5) ' 0 - store only to 9 - means best compression             Dim entry As ZipEntry = New ZipEntry(strZipEntry)            s.PutNextEntry(entry)            s.Write(bytData, 0, bytData.Length)            bytData = Nothing            s.Finish()            s.Close()            Return streamCompressedOutput.ToArray()        Catch ex As Exception            streamCompressedOutput = Nothing            bytData = Nothing            If Not s Is Nothing Then                s.Finish()                s.Close()            End If             Return Nothing        End Try    End Function

while de-compressing should be similar to:
Public Shared Function unPackZipFiles(ByVal file As String) As String()    Dim streamWriter As FileStream = Nothing    Dim sFiles As String() = Nothing    Dim arr As ArrayList = Nothing    Dim CS$1$0000 As String()    Try         If AppUtils.IsZip(file) Then            Dim theEntry As ZipEntry            Dim inputStream As New ZipInputStream(File.OpenRead(file))            arr = New ArrayList            Do While (Not theEntry = inputStream.GetNextEntry Is Nothing)                Dim dirPath As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(file)                If (Path.GetFileName(theEntry.Name) <> String.Empty) Then                    streamWriter = File.Create((dirPath & "\" & theEntry.Name))                    arr.Add(streamWriter.Name)                    sFiles = TryCast(arr.ToArray(GetType(String)),String())                    Dim size As Integer = 0                    Dim sizeOfFile As Integer = CInt(theEntry.Size)                    Dim data As Byte() = New Byte(sizeOfFile  - 1) {}                    Do                        size = (size + inputStream.Read(data, size, (data.Length - size)))                    Loop While (size < sizeOfFile)                    inputStream.ReadByte                    If (data.Length > 0) Then                        streamWriter.Write(data, 0, data.Length)                    End If                    streamWriter.Close                End If            Loop            inputStream.Close            File.Delete(file)            Return sFiles        End If        arr = New ArrayList        arr.Add(file)        sFiles = TryCast(arr.ToArray(GetType(String)),String())        CS$1$0000 = sFiles    Catch ex As Exception        Throw New Exception(ex.Message)    End Try    Return CS$1$0000End Function

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