Shaderx5 - Transparent Shader Data Binding

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-1 comments, last by littlekid 15 years, 9 months ago
I have read the article by Dustin Franklin, and was wondering how to actually use it. For example if I have a global common ShadowMap.fx that generates shadowmaps. This EffectFile would be common across all entity/mesh to be drawn. How would I bind the data to the ShadowMap.fx? Does that mean for each Mesh, I need to have a Static/Dynamic Linker for every effect to be used? I was thinking of having something like this in each mesh:

class CLinkerTable
    std::map<ID3D10Effect*, std::vector<CLinker> > LinkerMap;

    HRESULT ApplyLink(ID3D10Effect *pEffectToUse)
        //Attempt to find if the Effect to be used has a list of Linker
        if (LinkerMap.find(pEffectToUse) == LinkerMap.end())
           return E_FAIL;

        //Apply the Link to bind the data
        for(size_t n=0; n<LinkerMap[pEffectToUse]->second.size(); n++)

//To draw a mesh I with shadowmap generation:
CMesh HumanMesh;
CLinkerTable HumanMeshLinkTable;


//Standard Drawing

However it seems that each time I load a effect, I need to loop through all the entites/mesh and create the Data Link for it and store it in the CLinkerTable. Wouldn't it be slow if the game has like 1000 entites?

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