omni shadowmaps

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5 comments, last by PaulHolverda 15 years, 9 months ago
i'm having major problems with my omni shadowing approach, i just don't seemed to grasp the logic behind it. I'm treating my omnis as 6 spotlights, all pointing in a 90 degrees direction, that works fine, but spots are like perfect cones, i need to find some way to let them work on omni frustum. I can submit the 5 plane equations to the pixel shader to find if a fragment is lit or not, but that seems to be an overkill in my eyes, help is more than weclome here is the code that renders a shadowmap from a given spot light: uniform sampler2D tex0; //diffusetex uniform sampler2D tex1; //normaltex uniform sampler2D tex2; //depth texture uniform sampler2DShadow tex3; //shadow tex uniform vec3 lightPos; //light pos uniform vec3 lightColor; //light color uniform float lightRadius; //raidus uniform mat4 invMat; //inv projmv mat uniform vec3 lightDirection; //raidus uniform float spotCutOff; //innerangle//as seen in editor uniform float spotFadeOff ; //outer angle uniform mat4 texMat; varying vec3 camPos; //camera position varying vec2 texCoord; varying vec4 dir; uniform float lightScale; void main(void) { float shadowColor = 1.0; vec4 base = texture2D(tex0, texCoord); vec3 bump = normalize(texture2D(tex1, texCoord).xyz* 2.0 - 1.0); float depth = texture2D(tex2, texCoord).r; vec4 worldPos = invMat * vec4( (texCoord*2.0)-1.0, depth * 2.0 - 1.0, 1.0 ); vec4 projDepth = texMat * worldPos; shadowColor = shadow2D(tex3,; /=worldPos.w; vec3 lDir =normalize(lightPos -; float cos_cur_angle = dot(-lDir,lightDirection); vec4 final_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); float spot = 0.0; float minAngle = spotFadeOff - spotCutOff; spot = clamp((cos_cur_angle - spotCutOff) / minAngle, 0.0, 1.0); float diff = max(0.0, dot(lDir, bump)); if(diff > 0.0) { if(cos_cur_angle > spotCutOff) final_color += base * diff * vec4(lightColor, 1.0) * spot; } gl_FragColor = final_color *lightScale * shadowColor ; }
use a cubemap (cubemap shadowmaps arent supported on most hardware) so u will have to emulate a depth map with a standard colormap, this way the texture lookup is only done in one of the sides,

though u will have to render most shadowcasters to more than one side though
This is the Shader sofar but i can't see what i'm doing wrong, any help is appreciated, somehow i think it has todo with this line
//shadowColor = shadowCube(tex3, cubecoord).x;



float shadowColor = 1.0;	vec4 base = texture2D(tex0,  texCoord);	vec3 bump = normalize(texture2D(tex1,   texCoord).xyz* 2.0 - 1.0);	float depth  = texture2D(tex2, texCoord).r;	vec4 worldPos = invMat * vec4( (texCoord*2.0)-1.0, depth * 2.0 - 1.0, 1.0 ); /=worldPos.w;	vec3 lDir =(lightPos -;			float distance = length(lDir);	float att=max(0.0, 1.0 - distance/lightRadius)*lightScale;	vec3 lightdir = normalize(-lDir);		vec4 cubecoord = vec4( lightdir, max(max(abs(lightdir.x),abs(lightdir.y)),abs(lightdir.z)) );	shadowColor = shadowCube(tex3, cubecoord).x;		//is this correct	float shadow = (distance < shadowColor)? 1.0 : 0.0;		lDir    = normalize(lDir);		float cos_cur_angle = dot(-lDir,lightDirection);	float diff = max(0.0, dot(lDir, bump));	vec4 final_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);	if(diff > 0.0)	{		final_color += base * diff * att *  vec4(lightColor, 1.0)*lightScale;	}		vec4 color = final_color*shadow;	gl_FragColor =color;
Quote:Original post by zedz
use a cubemap (cubemap shadowmaps arent supported on most hardware) so u will have to emulate a depth map with a standard colormap, this way the texture lookup is only done in one of the sides,

though u will have to render most shadowcasters to more than one side though

Actually doesn't DX10.1 hardware have support for this? And if so, I am assuming this is coming sooner or later.
I'm having a geforce 8600, so depth cube maps are supported, from what i have read, and i'm already rendering to a cubemap, i just don't get it how to figure out when a fragment is in shadow and when not. I thought i would just comparing the distance of the fragment with the light, and the value stored in the cubemap

IIRC humus has a demo that does omni point shadow maps.
finally got it working, what i do now, is first render the squared distances into a cubemap, then i use that cubemap later on to compare the distances...seems so easy if you got it working.

here are some screenshots as well as the shader code

my blog


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