Problem quitting while in fullscreen mode

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2 comments, last by Bangladesh 15 years, 9 months ago
Hi all! I began writing a simple program that uses DX10, and at the moment is does npthing except setting up the basic stuff like a window and initialized the device, swapchain and so fourth. The problem crops up when not running in windowed mode, but when you try to quit the program while in fullscreen mode; then the program crashes. Does someone know why this is?
For some reason I don’t know DXGI requires that you switch your swap chain to window mode before you can release it.
I had got the same problem.
Just call

	device->ClearState();	device->Flush();	swapChain->SetFullscreenState(false,0);

To avoid any warnings and errors.
Thanks guys, that resolved the problem nicely!

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